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与 unimaginative 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


无趣的unimaginative | 无趣而好卖弄学问的演讲人或作家dryasdust | 无趣味的inartisticprosyuninteresting

shame for:惭愧,羞耻

Unimaginative adj.缺乏想象力的 | Shame n.惭愧,羞耻 shame for | Be put to shame by somebody/something 小巫见大巫


77. isolated孤僻的 | 78. unimaginative缺乏想象力的 | 79. unsociable不好社交的

unimaginative:平淡乏味的, 缺乏想象力的

- inelegant 不雅的 | - pedestrian 平淡乏味的, 缺乏想象力的= unimaginative | - novel 新奇的, 新颖的

unimaginative:缺乏想象力的, 无趣的

gokaite 五崮石(斜紫苏辉石) | unimaginative 缺乏想象力的, 无趣的 | luminous reflectance 光反射比, 光反射系数


ungrateful 忘恩负义的 | unimaginative 无想象力的 | unreasonable 不讲理的

An unimaginative, by-the-book, low-level incompetent:一个刻板、循规蹈矩的低能儿

- What? - An incompetent.|- 什么? - 一个低级警官 | An unimaginative, by-the-book, low-level incompetent...|...一个刻板、循规蹈矩的低能儿 | ...who will plod along, getting nowhere...|...只晓得原地打转

prosaic, dull, unimaginative, quotidian, pedestrian:平凡无想像力的

贫瘠的barren, sterile | 平凡无想像力的prosaic, dull, unimaginative, quotidian, pedestrian | 非凡有想像的imaginary, extraordinary, exceptional, exciting

we are unimaginative when it comes to naming things:但我们对于给事物命名方面 还真是缺乏想像力

For all that pirates are clever clogs,|要知道 虽然人们都认为海盗很聪明 | we are unimaginative when it comes to naming things.|但我们对于给事物命名方面 还真是缺乏想像力 | Aye.|是吗?

Busy people can do a good job, people will only unimaginative and opportunistic:忙碌的人才能把事情做好,呆板的人只会投机取巧

观察走在你前面的人,看看他为何领先,学... | 忙碌的人才能把事情做好,呆板的人只会投机取巧. Busy people can do a good job, people will only unimaginative and opportunistic. | 优柔寡断的人,即使做了决定,也不能...

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy