英语人>网络解释>treason 相关的网络解释

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与 treason 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Act of War: High Treason:战争行为之严重叛国

332Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends王国的兴起:传说再现9-May-06 | 334Act of War: High Treason战争行为之严重叛国30-May-06 | 335Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War战火文明12-Jun-06

D.E.B.S. will not consort with a known enemy, under penalty of treason:不能和敌方有任何交往,否则叛乱罪论处

D.E.B.S. Code Section 1 , Article 2:|基本法第1章第2条 | "D.E.B.S. will not consort with a known enemy, under penalty of treason."|不能和敌方有任何交往,否则叛乱罪论处 | l was not consorting.|我没通敌...

treason felony:背叛罪

treadwheel 踏车 | treason felony 背叛罪 | treason 叛逆

The prisoners were executed for treason by firing squad:这些犯人因叛国罪已由行刑队执行枪决

to be executed for 因......被处死(处决); | The prisoners were executed for treason by firing squad. 这些犯人因叛国罪已由行刑队执行枪决. | to execute....执行(法令);使(法律文件)生效;

high treason:叛国罪

threat, menace 恐吓 | high treason 叛国罪 | adultery 通奸

high treason:叛国罪; 叛逆罪

high tide 高潮; 最高点; 高潮时间; 最高峰 | high treason 叛国罪; 叛逆罪 | high-minded 高尚的; 傲慢的

To high treason:为了叛国罪

A toast, yeah?|来乾一杯? | To high treason.|为了叛国罪 | That's what these men were committing when they signed the Declaration.|那些签署>的人 当时被认为犯下了这项罪行

This is high treason:这是叛国 )

Death will appear to be from natural causes. ( 表面死因会是自然死亡 ) | This is high treason, ( 这是叛国 ) | you know that don't you? ( 你知道吗? )

He was beheaded for high treason:他因叛国罪被斩首

1436. Their behavior towards me shows that they do not like me. 他们对我的举止说明他们不喜欢... | 1437. He was beheaded for high treason. 他因叛国罪被斩首. | 1438. He is behind the plan. 他是幕后策划人...

The gunpowder treason and plot:火药阴谋

The gunpowder treason and plot|火药阴谋 | I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason|火药阴谋... | Should ever be forgot|...绝没有理由被遗忘

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There Is A Treason At Sea
Treason! Animals
Slow Burn Treason
Reason Is Treason


Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练