英语人>网络解释>tomorrow 相关的网络解释

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与 tomorrow 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Weather permitting, we'll go for an outing tomorrow:(条件状语) 如果天气好的话,我们明天就去郊游

Time being short, we must be in a hurry.... | Weather permitting, we'll go for an outing tomorrow. (条件状语) 如果天气好的话,我们明天就去郊游. | Given enough time, water will dissolve almost any subst...

go swimming tomorrow:明天去游泳

30.树上的鸟 bird in the tree | 31.明天去游泳 go swimming tomorrow | 32.下周去朋友家 visit friend's house next week

What are you doing tomorrow? - Same as always. Big, fat goose egg:你们天有什么打算? 跟以前一样,又大又肥的鹅蛋

You look like a skunk.... | - What are you doing tomorrow? - Same as always. Big, fat goose egg.|你们天有什么打算? 跟以前一样,又大又肥的鹅蛋 | - What's up? An investigation? - I just need a driver, not...

I have a test tomorrow:我明天要测验了. Good luck. 祝你好运

Good luck! 祝你好运! | I have a test tomorrow. 我明天要测验了. Good luck. 祝你好运. | I promise. 我保证.

Hope for Tomorrow:画出彩虹

2007 Health Helper II 肠胃好帮手II | 2007 Hope for Tomorrow 画出彩虹 | 2006 Golden Age 黄金年华

How about tomorrow:明天怎麽样

Maybe we should do it again. 也许我们该再来一创巍 | How about tomorrow? 明天怎麽样 | Don't you have to work? 你明天不用上班吗

How about tomorrow:明天怎么样?口气是建议,建议在明天

Are you sick off? 你休病假了? | How about tomorrow? 明天怎么样?口气是建议,建议在明天. | You are gonna ruin your life/business. 你会毁了你的生活/生意的.

How about tomorrow:对不起,明天我会很忙

I have a lot of free time today.我今天没什么要做的. | I have nothing to do today.明天怎么样? | How about tomorrow?对不起,明天我会很忙.

This court stands in recess until 9:00 tomorrow morning:休庭直到明天上午9点

No, your honor.|没有,法官 | This court stands in recess until 9:00 tomorrow morning.|休庭直到明天上午9点 | I knew if I got him angry enough, he'd take the offensive.|我若激怒他,他就会他采取攻势

It's a snap. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock:简单得很. 明早十点

I'll try aerobics. 我去试试有氧运动. | It's a snap. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. 简单得很. 明早十点. | Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning? 今天上午你不是去上有氧运动课吗

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Dance Like There's No Tomorrow
Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow
Catch Tomorrow
Forget Tomorrow
Tomorrow Today
I'm Dying Tomorrow
Before Tomorrow Comes
Tomorrow Tomorrow

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子