英语人>网络解释>tomorrow 相关的网络解释

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与 tomorrow 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Come round tomorrow:明天来吧

He walked round the house. 他围绕房子转. | Come round tomorrow. 明天来吧. | She likes reading more than writing. 喜欢

Sean Connery, yesterday, today and tomorrow:史恩康纳莱 不论是过去、现在还是未来

I stand by my choice.|我... | Sean Connery, yesterday, today and tomorrow.|史恩康纳莱 不论是过去、现在还是未来 | For a first date, Miranda felt like she was hitting it out of the ballpark.|第一次约会时米...

We'll start on this crapola tomorrow:我们明天再 开始上这些无聊的课

The point is, you all can just chill today.|我想说的是, 你们今天都可以... | We'll start on this crapola tomorrow.|我们明天再 开始上这些无聊的课 | - Yes, Tinkerbell? - Summer.|- 什么事啊, 小妹妹? - 我的名...

But she could do that at a dinner dance tomorrow:但这种人她明天去舞会跳舞就能遇上

I wish she might meet a nice lawyer.|我倒是想让她... | But she could do that at a dinner dance tomorrow.|但这种人她明天去舞会跳舞就能遇上 | Oh, that's the point of an Oxford education. Isn't it, Dad?|这...

Tomorrow I could wake up a dirt farmer in Bangladesh:明天醒来也许发现自己在孟加拉一个肮脏的农场

What's the point of psych class now?|现在上心理学课又有什么用... | Tomorrow I could wake up a dirt farmer in Bangladesh.|明天醒来也许发现自己在孟加拉一个肮脏的农场 | Let's go for a stroll.|来我推你去散散...

Shall we do the shopping tomorrow:(时间状语)

9. 从句作状语We chatted as we walked.Even if he laughs,she adores him. | Shall we do the shopping tomorrow?(时间状语) | There are plenty of fish in the sea.(地点状语)

The festivity will be held tomorrow:欢宴定于明日举行

5823. The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity. 皇室婚礼是... | 5824. The festivity will be held tomorrow. 欢宴定于明日举行. | 5825. Could you run and fetch a doctor for me? 你能跑去给我请...

Fish for tomorrow:年:"为了明日的鱼类

2006年:"水是湿地之本" Water - the basic matter in wetlands | 2007年:"为了明日的鱼类" Fish for tomorrow? | 2008年:"健康湿地造就人类福祉"Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People

Fish for tomorrow:年: "为了明天的鱼类

2006年: "水是湿地之本" Water - the basic matter in wetlands | 2007年: "为了明天的鱼类" Fish for tomorrow | 2008年: "健康的湿地,健康的人类"Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People

It's very get warm tomorrow:明天会更暖和的

19.It's hotter/colder than expected.比想象中的要热/冷 | 20.It's very get warm tomorrow.明天会更暖和的 | 21.Have you watched weather report.?你看天气预报了吗?

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Dance Like There's No Tomorrow
Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow
Catch Tomorrow
Forget Tomorrow
Tomorrow Today
I'm Dying Tomorrow
Before Tomorrow Comes
Tomorrow Tomorrow

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子