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to fix相关的网络解释

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与 to fix 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Laser photocoagulation to fix the eye and a high doseof benzimidazole to kill the worms:激光光凝治疗眼球 大剂量的苯并咪唑杀虫

They attack his eyeand the muscles surrounding it,making... | Laser photocoagulation to fix the eye and a high doseof benzimidazole to kill the worms.|激光光凝治疗眼球 大剂量的苯并咪唑杀虫 | Wait a min...

to fix on one channel:固定地看一个频道

卫视频道 satellite television channel | 固定地看一个频道 to fix on one channel | 浏览频道to surf the channels

to fix:固定

联络的时间到了 It is time to call | 固定~ To fix | 好了 To release

to fix:办理、解决

☆travellers''cheques 旅行支票 | ☆to fix 办理、解决 | ☆to book a call 预约电话

to fix:修理

to fix the shower pipe装淋浴管道 | to fix修理 | to repair修理

On one of those occasions when you're pompously lecturing me on what to do to fix my life:随便哪次 当你趾高气昂教训我 该怎么纠正人生时

Oh,don't act hurt. You don't care.|... | On one of those occasions when you're pompously lecturing me on what to do to fix my life.|随便哪次 当你趾高气昂教训我 该怎么纠正人生时 | You wouldn't take them...

to fix one's face:(本义)化装

to find a haven of rest (本义)寻找安息所 | to fix one's face (本义)化装 | to freshen up (本义)梳洗打扮

Believe me,nobody expects you to fix it overnigh:[相信我 没有人逼你一个晚上就医治好]

So whose fault is it? [那还会是谁的错?] | Believe me,nobody expects you to fix it overnigh [相信我 没有人逼你一个晚上就医治好] | you have aone to talk to? [你在这有说话的人吗?]

Every year she tries to fix me up with some bushy-haired, middle-aged bore:而每年她都要为我找一些 头发茂盛的中年男子

and going to my mother's annual turkey cu... | Every year she tries to fix me up with some bushy-haired, middle-aged bore...|而每年她都要为我找一些 头发茂盛的中年男子 | and I feared this year would be ...

The plumber went down to the cellar to fix the leaky pipe:管道工到地下室去修漏水的管子

2288. I have to buy a new dry cell. 我... | 2289. The plumber went down to the cellar to fix the leaky pipe. 管道工到地下室去修漏水的管子. | 2290. We should eat more green vegetables rich in cellulose...

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How To Fix Everything
The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth
I Don't Know How To Fix It

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy