英语人>网络解释>tax 相关的网络解释
与 tax 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

backdated tax calculation:倒填日期的税收计算

backdated posting 回溯过帐 | backdated tax calculation 倒填日期的税收计算 | backed out posting document 倒回过帐凭证

bets tax:博彩税

betrunked river ==> 断尾河 | bets tax ==> 博彩税 | Bettendorff's method ==> 白田道夫氏法

bypassed tax:免税

bypass 省略 | bypassed tax 免税 | calculate 计算

The senate was censured for income tax evasion:这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责

2294. This is a delicate censer. 这是一个精致的香... | 2295. The senate was censured for income tax evasion. 这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责. | 2296. They were censured as traitors. 他们被指责为叛...

Deducts the personal income tax the wages:扣除个人所得税的工资

打印成绩单Printing report card | 扣除个人所得税的工资Deducts the personal income tax the wages | 提交个人体检报告Submits individual physical examination result

various tax revenues that the government derives from the sale:政府通过出售卷烟产品而获得的各种税收收入

58 00:04:55,520 --> 00:04:57,580... | 59 00:04:57,800 --> 00:05:02,580 政府通过出售卷烟产品而获得的各种税收收入, various tax revenues that the government derives from the sale | 60 00:05:02,800 --> 00:...

earmarked tax:指定用途稅

Dynamic trade model 动态贸易模型 | Earmarked tax 指定用途税 | Earmarking 指定用途

earmarked tax:目的税

earmarked surplus ==> 指定用途盈余 | earmarked tax ==> 目的税 | earmarking ==> 打耳标

def erred tax:递延税项

轻微违纪事件/行为 s ummary offence | 递延税项 def erred tax | 递耗资产 decaying asset

Reducing and exempting the agricultural tax:减免农业税

10. 农业综合生产能力 Overall agricultural production capacity | 11. 减免农业税 Reducing and exempting the agricultural tax | 12. 扶贫开发 Poverty alleviation through development

第100/100页 首页 < ... 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)
Tax Free
Passion Play (The Story Of Jesus And Zachius...The Little Tax Collector)
Luxury Tax
Tax Money

vehicular bridge:行车桥

vehicular border link 边境连接道路 | vehicular bridge 行车桥 | vehicular corridor 行车走廊


近代社会,随着非洲与西方帝国的分裂,非洲的农业正面临着倒退(setback). 欧洲的百万富翁们、军政要员们以及科学家们带来了他们的欧洲谷类(cereal)譬如小麦和玉米,并且认为那些他们所不熟悉的非洲谷类都是劣等作物. 伴随着现代化的包装和广告,

Ave maria/The little drummer boy:聖母頌

1. The first noel 天籟序曲 | 2. Ave maria/The little drummer boy 聖母頌 | 3. When a child is born 小小鼓手