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tail away相关的网络解释

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与 tail away 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

decay; go bad; spoil:腐烂

The dog greeted its master with a wag of its tail. 狗摇着尾巴欢迎它的主人. | 17. rot vi. 腐烂 decay; go bad; spoil | Some of rubbish rot away over a long time. 有些垃圾时间久了就烂掉了.

remake film:重拍影片

重拍影片 (REMAKE FILM) 根据以前拍过的电影故事拍摄的电影. >原是1939年的片子,1966年又拍过一次,名叫>. 转身过场 (HEAD-ON/TAIL-AWAY) 一种过场技巧,让演员或物体先向摄影机镜头移动,而后离开摄影机镜头.

tail away:变小,变少,变弱

2514tail away变小,变少,变弱 | 2515tail off变小,变少,变弱 | 2517take a pleasure in以...为乐

The horse was flicking flies away with its tail:马轻轻甩动尾巴把苍蝇赶走

She flicked the dust off her collar. 她轻轻弹掉了衣领上的灰尘.... | The horse was flicking flies away with its tail. 马轻轻甩动尾巴把苍蝇赶走. | James flicked a peanut at her. 詹姆斯朝她轻轻扔一颗花生...

If you have a tail of straw, then keep away from the fire:如果你有一根稻草尾巴,那就离火远点儿

. If you can react the same way to winning and lo... | . If you have a tail of straw, then keep away from the fire. 如果你有一根稻草尾巴,那就离火远点儿. | . If you want people to think well of you, do...

James flicked a peanut at her:詹姆斯朝她轻轻扔一颗花生

The horse was flicking flies away with its tail. 马轻轻甩动尾巴把苍蝇赶走. | James flicked a peanut at her. 詹姆斯朝她轻轻扔一颗花生. | Please don't flick ash on the carpet! 请勿把烟灰弹在地毯上!


industrial ventilation:三下 專業必修 工業通風

三年級下學期 專業必修 作業環境控制技術 ControllingTechnology for Working Place 3 3 | 三下 專業必修 工業通風 Industrial Ventilation 2 2 | 三下 專業必修 風險評估 Risk Assessment 2 2

If I stand starry-eyed:如果我站着空想

A stranger in paradise 一个天堂中的陌生人 | If I stand starry-eyed 如果我站着空想 | That's the danger in paradise 那会是天堂中的危难

metal catalyze:的全文例句

metal catalyze的例句: | metal catalyze的全文例句: | metal catalyze的相关翻译词汇: