英语人>网络解释>succeed 相关的网络解释

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与 succeed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Succeed in sth./doing sth:(在...方面)成功

stand in line 站在队伍里 | succeed in sth. / doing sth. (在...方面)成功 | take part in参加

succeed in doing sth./sth:成功作成什么事情

students' union学生会 | succeed in doing sth./sth.成功作成什么事情 | surgeon外科医生

succeed in doing sth.=do sth. successfully:成功地做某事

19.care about 关心,在乎 | 20.succeed in doing sth.=do sth. successfully成功地做某事 | 21.seem to do sth.似乎做某事

succeed in doing sth.= be successful in doing sth:成功

48.忍受...痛苦suffer from | 49.成功..succeed in doing sth.= be successful in doing sth. | 50.有价值 be of value=be valuable

succeed in doing sth.= be successful in doing sth:成功地做某事

be known as 以...而出名/以...而得名 | 24.succeed in doing sth / be successful in doing sth 成功地做某事 | 25.borrow sth. from sb 向某人借某物

accomplish v. succeed in doing sth., finish successfully:实现,完成

They had thought that the new colony would be a paradise, but they were soon disi... | 6. accomplish v. succeed in doing sth., finish successfully 实现,完成 | He is a man who will never accomplish anyt...

to succeed in v-ing sth:成功地做某事

to be hard on sb 對某人苛刻 | to succeed in v-ing sth 成功地做某事 | the justice system 司法制度

succeed in:成功

作者又大胆假设,如果雪人是存在的,而且又真的成功(succeed in)捕获一个雪人,人们可能面临一个难题(problem):把这个"半人半兽"的雪人放在动物园(zoo)中还是旅馆中呢?

succeed in:在...成功

subject to 使受到,使遭遇 | succeed in 在...成功 | such as 象...那样的,诸如

succeed in:做成(某事);成功

subject to 有...的倾向;易遭;易患;受制于;根据... | succeed in 做成(某事);成功 | succumb to 屈服于;死于

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Yet To Succeed
How To Succeed

corpse pearls:屍體珍珠

coronet setting 冠式鑲嵌 | corpse pearls 屍體珍珠 | Corsican green 科西嘉綠

ROMULUS, Nicole:尼科尔.罗米吕斯

ROMULO, Roberto;罗伯托.罗穆洛;; | ROMULUS, Nicole;尼科尔.罗米吕斯;; | rondas campesinas;乡村巡逻队;RCs;

control unit:控制器

2.控制器 控制器(Control Unit)是计算机中指令的解释和执行结构,其主要功能是控制运算器、存储器、输入输出设备等部件协调动作. 控制器工作时,从存储器取出一条指令,并指出下一条指令所在的存放地址,然后对所取出指令进行分析,