英语人>网络解释>stranger 相关的网络解释

查询词典 stranger

与 stranger 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a perfect stranger:完全陌生的人

74a party in power执政党 | 75a perfect stranger完全陌生的人 | 76a pet name昵称

He is a perfect stranger:(他是个完全陌生的人. )

3)He is in perfect health. (他身体十分健康... | 4)He is a perfect stranger. (他是个完全陌生的人. ) | 5)They decided to send their son to England to perfect his English. (他们决定把儿子送到英国去提高他的...

He is a perfect stranger:(他是个完全陌生得人. )

3)He is in perfect health. (他身体十分健康... | 4)He is a perfect stranger. (他是个完全陌生得人. ) | 5)They decided to send their son to England to perfect his English. (他们决定把儿子送到英国去提高他得...

No, not exactly a perfect stranger:不 我不是你定义的那种陌生人

Well, I mean...|那么 我是说... | No, not exactly a perfect stranger,|不 我不是你定义的那种陌生人 | if you mean someone I wouldn't know at all.|我不喜欢与完全不认识的人接触

she ought to hate a perfect stranger:她应该憎恨陌生人

母亲告诫女儿, when a mother will teach herDaughter that | 她应该憎恨陌生人. she ought to hate a perfect stranger | 天知道这是为什么, And how in the world can

that she ought to hate a perfect stranger:她注定会恨上一个完美的陌生人

That a mother will teach her daughter 将由母亲传给女儿 | that she ought to hate a perfect stranger. 她注定会恨上一个完美的陌生人 | And how in the world 在这样的世界里

that she ought to hate a perfect stranger:她应该憎恨陌生人

When a mother will teach her daughter,当一个母亲告戒女儿, | That she ought to hate a perfect stranger.她应该憎恨陌生人. | And how in the world,天知道这是为什么,

Stranger: dirty gook:这句不翻译了哈)

You: china man (爷爷我是堂堂中国男人 ) | Stranger: dirty gook(!@##$这句不翻译了哈) | Stranger: go ahead.(继续)

Perfect Stranger:勾引陌生人

在电影[勾引陌生人](Perfect Stranger)当中,主角荷莉贝瑞以及男主角布鲁斯威利就为了揭开对方的秘密,掀起了一场谍对谍的角力战. 然而银幕下,两个人却是常常互相串门子的好邻居. (记者卢意、因宏文/好莱坞报导)网路的花花世界本来就很复杂,电影[勾引陌生人](Perfect Stranger)当中..


Stranger:dirtygook(!@##$这句不翻译了哈) | Stranger:goahead.(继续) | Stranger:respond.(反应)

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Little Stranger
If I Am A Stranger
Wayfaring Stranger
Stranger Into Starman
Stranger With My Face
Stranger Ways
Stranger On The Shore
Stranger Stranger

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy