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与 statute 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

statute of limitation 1:法定时效 2 时效法

breach of trust 1 [律]受托人违反信托约定 2 背信, 违约 | statute of limitation 1 法定时效 2 时效法 | ambivalence n. 正反感情并存

X-year statute of limitation x:年的诉讼时效

Willful 故意 | Writ 批准向最高法院上诉的令状 | X-year statute of limitation x年的诉讼时效

bar of statute of limitation:消灭时效

bar of Sanio ==> 沙尼沃条 | bar of statute of limitation ==> 消灭时效 | bar of uniform cross section ==> 等截面棒

statute of limitation and repose:消灭时效和除斥期间

failure to take advance precaution against extent of injury 怠于预防损害扩大 | statute of limitation and repose 消灭时效和除斥期间 | immunities 豁免

statute of limitations:時效期間

State-owned Land Use Certificate 国有土地使用证 | statute of limitations 時效期間 | striking out 除名(从公司登记处)

statute of limitations:消滅時效法規

Statistics 統計學 | Statute of limitations 消滅時效法規 | Statutory reserves 法定準備

limitation period; Prescription; time limitation; statute of limitations:时效;时效期间

追诉时效 limitation period of prosecution | 时效;时效期间 limitation period; Prescription; time limitation; statute of limitations | 清算程序 liquidation proceedings

isn't there some statute|of limitations? I've tried:不是有什么法令限制吗? 我努力尝试过

He sat on my case,|他坐在我的行李箱 | isn't there some statute|of limitations? I've tried.|不是有什么法令限制吗? 我努力尝试过 | Really, I've tried.|真的,我努力尝试过

Isn't there a statute of limitations on this kind of thing:这东西不是有时效性的吗

It's a really old warrant.|这是很久前的拘捕令了 | Isn't there a statute of limitations on this kind of thing?|这东西不是有时效性的吗? | It's suspended when you flee the state.|当你逃出这个州 它会持续...

Gray market goods" not covered by the statute:本条例不适用于"灰色市场商品

c. Defenses to 2320 "Overrun good" exemption 对2320的辩... | "Gray market goods" not covered by the statute 本条例不适用于"灰色市场商品" | Lanham Act defenses apply, but not usually applicable 可援引法令...

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy