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与 starters 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For starters, a new exit point:(首先是一个新的出口)

Like what? (比如?) | For starters, a new exit point. (首先是一个新的出口) | It's got to be on the south side of the building. (应该开在建筑物的南边)


希望我们能好好做. 害得我紧张,我可是菜鸟啊,刚刚开始就遇到评审. 菜单有很多唧唧歪歪的不认识的拽词. 简单的说 就是:头盘(starters)是: ham or veg: fruits 然后是main course: beef or salmon 甜点: pudding布丁 再是coffee 和 tea.


Prop max RPM 螺旋桨转速最大 Ctrl + F7 | Starters 启动装置 Ctrl + S | Throttle 10% 油门开到10% 1


1,"Filters, starters, 过滤器,启动器" | 2,"starters, 启动器" | 3,"Generators, 发电机"


张荣贵 Mr Cheung Wing Kwai | 发令员 Starters | 计时队 Time Keepers

For starters:首先

Oh, do I get the weekend off?|我要去度周末了? | For starters...|首先... | and a two-week holiday... anywhere but CSl.|你有两星期的假期 除了CSI哪儿都可以去

For starters:怎么样了? - 呃 最首要的 我要去见我爸爸

I, um, I spent the night at a friend's house.|我 ... | - So what's up? - Uh, for starters, I'm about to go see my father.|- 怎么样了? - 呃 最首要的 我要去见我爸爸 | Your father? Wow. That's amazing.|你...

Electronic Starters:电子起动器

"HPS Electrode","钠光灯电极",195541 | "Electronic Starters","电子起动器",195542 | "Starters For Fluorescent Lamp","萤光灯用起动器",195543

Filters, starters:过滤器、启动器

12,"Construction machinery 工程机械" | 1,"Filters, starters, 过滤器、启动器" | 2,"starters, 启动器"

Filters, starters:过滤器,启动器

92,"Power garden tools","电动花园工具","UL 认证(或者其他认证)" | 1,"Filters, starters, 过滤器,启动器" | 2,"starters, 启动器"

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For Starters

make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


在各类细.变形杆菌检验 变形杆菌(Proteus)在自然界分布极广,人和动物的粪便带菌很高,各类食品及用具等均可检出,虽是常见的腐生细菌,但在严重污染的食物中,通过生长繁殖后,.

storage ring:儲存環 =存儲環

storage battery 累積器 =蓄電池 | storage ring 儲存環 =存儲環 | stosszahlansatz 分子混沌= 分子混沌擬設