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squad car相关的网络解释

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与 squad car 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

prowl car:[美](装有与总局联系的无线电话的)巡逻警车

squad car [美](装有与总局联系的无线电话的)巡逻警车 | prowl car [美](装有与总局联系的无线电话的)巡逻警车 | cruise car [美](装有与总局联系的无线电话的)巡逻警车

squad car:警察巡逻车

squabby 胖胖的 | squad car 警察巡逻车 | squad 小队

squad car:拖险车

squad boss 作业班班长 | squad car 拖险车 | squad company 人员支援队

squad car:巡罗警车

Scout Car 巡逻车 | Squad Car 巡罗警车 | Tower Ladder 云梯车

squad car:警车

structured query language;结构化查询语言;SQL; | squad car;警车;; | square symmetric tables;正方对称表;;

A squad car went by at full speed:一辆巡逻车全速驶过

4.go by 走过;过去 | A squad car went by at full speed. 一辆巡逻车全速驶过. | He was not,n when I went by. 我过访的时候.他不在家.

but I need a squad car here immediately:(请快派一辆警车过来)

582 I don't know. It's been vandalized. From the looks of it, it's kids,(到处是涂鸦,像是小太保干的) | 583 but I need a squad car here immediately.(请快派一辆警车过来) | 584 Here we go.(来了)

There's no eating in the squad car:在行动车里不可以吃东西

Approach with extreme caution. Possibly armed and dangerous.|小心行动,可能有武器,很... | There's no eating in the squad car.|在行动车里不可以吃东西 | Roger. Copy that and stand by for...|收到 我们待命中...

how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your squad car last night:那几个讨厌的游客 昨晚如何借用了你们的巡逻车

...and you guys don't need people talking... | ...how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your squad car last night.|那几个讨厌的游客 昨晚如何借用了你们的巡逻车 | But look, the point is, I think we can wo...

put Jenny in the back of a squad car? - I am not a monster, Rufus:真是同一个人? - 我并不是魔鬼

This coming from the same woman who wouldn't even ... | - put Jenny in the back of a squad car? - I am not a monster, Rufus.|- 真是同一个人? - 我并不是魔鬼 Rufus | I'm not gonna let her sit and rot beh...

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Squad Car

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy