英语人>网络解释>sniff 相关的网络解释

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与 sniff 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Timon:"Scurry, sniff, flinch:丁满:"急跑,闻,退缩

Max"Applaud now, sonny boy, but try clapping when you don't have any hands." 麦克斯:"拍手喝彩,现在,宝贝... | Timon:"Scurry, sniff, flinch!" 丁满:"急跑,闻,退缩. " | Timon:"Scurry, sniff, flinch!" 丁满:"急...

Max:"Scurry, sniff, flinch:麦克斯:"急跑,闻,退缩

Mom:"And, honey, try to make this one work." 妈妈:"还有,宝贝,尝试做这一项工作. " | Max:"Scurry, sniff, flinch!" 麦克斯:"急跑,闻,退缩!" | Max:"Scurry, sniff, flinch!" 麦克斯:"急跑,闻,退缩!"

sniff out:闻到;查觉到 ; fart=[俗语]屁

牐6.we can each sniff out a perp like a hot fart.我们能查觉谁是罪犯,就像闻臭屁一样 | 牐 sniff out=闻到;查觉到 ; fart=[俗语]屁 | 牐7.I'd be indebted. 我很感激

sniff out:发觉,发现

sink in 被理解,被理会 | sniff out 发觉,发现 | so far 1.迄今为止2.到某个程度

sniff out:嗅到;察觉出,发觉

go with 伴随,附带,连同 | sniff out 嗅到;察觉出,发觉 | from afar 从远处

sniff out:通过嗅觉找出某人某事

225 seek out 找出 | 226 sniff out 通过嗅觉找出某人某事 | 227 speaking of 说到

They train dogs to sniff out drugs:他們訓練狗嗅出毒品

Steve can't get a job, he's not trained in anything. 史蒂夫找不到工... | They train dogs to sniff out drugs. 他们训练狗嗅出毒品. VN to inf. | He trained as a teacher before becoming an actor. 他在成为...

The dogs are trained to sniff out drugs:这些狗是经过训练的嗅毒犬

to discover or find somebody/something by using your sense of sm... | The dogs are trained to sniff out drugs. 這些狗是經過訓練的嗅毒犬. | to discover or find somebody/something by looking 看出;覺察出...

She didn't get even a sniff at a medal:她根本不可能拿到奖牌

They make threats but back down at the first sniff of trouble. 他們起先氣勢洶洶,但一看... | a small chance of something 微小的可能性 sing... | She didn't get even a sniff at a medal. 她根本不可能拿到獎牌.

They make threats but back down at the first sniff of trouble:他们起先气势汹汹,但一看情形不妙立刻软了下来

The sniff of power went to his head. 權力在握... | They make threats but back down at the first sniff of trouble. 他們起先氣勢洶洶,但一看情形不妙立刻軟了下來. | a small chance of something 微小的可能性...

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Lady Sniff
Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

