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与 senate 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

academic year:学年度

(由1994年第93号第5条修订)"财政年度"(financial year) 指大学根据第25(3)条订定的一段期间; (由1994年第93号第5条修订)"教务议会"(Senate) 指根据第23条设立的大学教务议会; (由1994年第93号第5条增补)"教学年度"(academic year) 指由校董会决定的教学年度;

will authorise the NSA:将会授权国家安全局

known as Senate Bill 2330 Vote|所谓的参议院2330号决议 | will authorise the NSA|将会授权国家安全局 | to upgrade its current surveillance technology worldwide...|升级目前全球范围的监视技术

Be aware:请大家注意了

Under the protection of Pompey Magnus and Julius Caesar,Senate sits tomorrow.|在庞贝.麦格纳斯和优利乌斯.恺撒的护卫下,元... | Be aware!|请大家注意了! | No disorder will be tolerated.|不允许有任何违反秩序...

into a bawdy house:他是不会善罢罢休的

and he won't rest until he's turned the Senate|也进入元老院 不把元... | into a bawdy house!|他是不会善罢罢休的! | We good noblemen will be outnumbered by foreign rabble.|那些外来的乌合之众就会从人数上超...

lobby through"=get a bill accepted by influence:游说使通过一项议案

lobby 前厅: | "lobby through"=get a bill accepted by influence 游说使通过一项议案 | The mayor and his assistants lobby through the Senate. 市长和助手们游说议员使参 议院通过这项议案.

Approved by majorities in the House of Commons and Senate:由下院和参议院的大多数议员通过

139. How does a bill become a law? 怎样才... | Approved by majorities in the House of Commons and Senate 由下院和参议院的大多数议员通过 | 140. What is the final step before a bill becomes a law? 法案成为...

Who presides over the Senate:谁主持参议院

* It is a proposed law. 它是一个法律的提议案.(通常由部分议员起草提出) | 4-8. Who presides over the Senate? 谁主持参议院? | * Vice-President. 副总统.

drop bid for the US Senate seat vacated by Clinton:放弃竞争希拉里空缺的席位

speculation 推测 | drop bid for the US Senate seat vacated by Clinton 放弃竞争希拉里空缺的席位 | accommodate vt. 使适应,调节,和解,容纳 vi. 适应 提供住宿

assembly, congress, senate, council, committee, convention, legislature, parliament:国会,议会

关系: concern, nexus, relation, relationship, connection, bond | 国会,议会: assembly, congress, senate, council, committee, convention, legislature, parliament | 国家: country, land, nation, state

The Senate:参议院

中新网3月15日电 据香港<<文汇报>>15日援引外电报道,英国距离大选不足2个月,据报执政工党将在大选前,提出废除由704个世袭或政党任命产生议席的上议院(House of Lords),取而代之是设立由300个全面直选议席组成的"参议院"(The Senate)──英国近数十年来

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Ufa:abbr. unesterified fatty acids; 未酯化脂肪酸



unexpectedly 出乎意料地 | unfading 不褪色的 | unfadingly 不褪色地

one-third rule:摊付三分之一的规定

one-third formula;三分法公式;; | one-third rule;摊付三分之一的规定;; | one-time cost;一次费用;;