英语人>网络解释>scrambles 相关的网络解释

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与 scrambles 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most of our scrambles are flash events. We rarely see premeditation anymore:突发事件占大多数 预谋犯罪已经很少见

A Red Ball. Crimes of passion have no premeditation, so t... | Most of our scrambles are flash events. We rarely see premeditation anymore.|突发事件占大多数 预谋犯罪已经很少见 | People have gotten the ...

ing surf, and the gull lodges:海鸥於陡峭面

And the shingle scrambles after the suck 砂砾翻搅堆叠 | -ing surf, and the gull lodges 海鸥於陡峭面 | A moment on its sheer side. 稍事栖息

the city scrambles in all directions:城市无序的朝各个方向扩张

虫子爬的到处都是the insects are scrambling everywhere. | 野草疯长The wild weeds scramble everywhere. | 城市无序的朝各个方向扩张the city scrambles in all directions.

And the shingle scrambles after the suck:砂砾翻搅堆叠

And knock of the tide, 波涛一袭 | And the shingle scrambles after the suck 砂砾翻搅堆叠 | -ing surf, and the gull lodges 海鸥於陡峭面

The screen just scrambles when you turn it on:本来就坏了,一打开荧幕就乱闪

It's not Eric's fault, Mr. Dean. It was always broke... | The screen just scrambles when you turn it on.|本来就坏了,一打开荧幕就乱闪 | - But I need it. Do you have it here? - Yeah, we have it.|- 我还是...

Severe stress scrambles the way the brain communicates with the rest of the body:严重的精神压力扰乱了 大脑和其它器官的联系

Thanks.|谢谢 | Severe stress scrambles the way the brain communicates with the rest of the body.|严重的精神压力扰乱了 大脑和其它器官的联系 | I have a problem with my brain?|我的脑子有问题?

Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avoid any:爭可執行代碼,數據和API的應用程序,以避免任何

protection techniques.保... | Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avoid any爭可執行代碼,數據和API的應用程序,以避免任何 | possible reconstruction of the original application....

Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avoid any:打亂可執行代碼,數據和空氣污染指數在應用程序,以避免任何

protection techniques... | Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avoid any打亂可執行代碼,數據和空氣污染指數在應用程序,以避免任何 | possible reconstruction of the original appl...

Protection against all disassemblers and debuggers:保護對所有disassemblers和調試器

Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avo... | possible reconstruction of the original a... | Protection against all disassemblers and debuggers.保護對所有disassemblers和調試器.

Protection against all disassemblers and debuggers:保護對所有disassemblers和調試

Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avoid ... | possible reconstruction of the original ... | Protection against all disassemblers and debuggers.保護對所有disassemblers和調試.


absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

