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与 scent 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

but their scent lingered:但是却留下了他们的香味

"Their colour slowly faded from out of the flowers,|它们的颜色慢慢从花里退去 | "but their scent lingered,|但是却留下了他们的香味 | "to honey the air he breathed."|使他呼吸到的空气变甜

Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been:红消香断有谁怜

花谢花飞花满天, As blossoms fade and fly across the sky, | 红消香断有谁怜? Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been? | 游丝软系飘春榭, Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions,

Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been:红绡香断有谁怜

As blossoms fade and fly across the sky, 花榭花飞飞满天 | Who pities the faded red,the scent that has been? 红绡香断有谁怜 | Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions, 游丝软系飘春榭

savoring the scent of the meal to come:准备品尝即将到手的大餐

The giant wolf sniffing...|巨大的野狼贪婪地嗅着 | ...savoring the scent of the meal to come.|准备品尝即将到手的大餐 | It's not fear that grips him...|他并不感到恐惧

The scent wafted on the breeze:香气随微风飘荡

11. Spicy smells wafted through the air. 空气中瀰漫香料的味道. | 12. The scent wafted on the breeze.香气随微风飘荡. | 13. Aromatic herbs often use in cooking.芳草常用于烹饪.

A breeze wafted the scent towards us:微风送来阵阵香气

4. models wafted down the catwalk in filmy organza skirts.模特们穿着薄... | 5. A breeze wafted the scent towards us.微风送来阵阵香气. | 6. A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the gar...

Find the scent, my compadres:继续追踪气味 我的朋友

Soon enough the bird will be ours yet again|很快我们就会抓到那只鸟的 | Find the scent, my compadres,|继续追踪气味 我的朋友 | and you too shall have much rewardings|没有功劳也有苦劳嘛

carries the hollyhocks' scent:裹挟着蜀葵芬芳的空气

A welcome breath of air 令人愉快地呼吸 | carries the hollyhocks' scent. 裹挟着蜀葵芬芳的空气. | I watch you sleeping there, 我窥见你在那里安睡,

no sight, sound, scent, taste, tangibles, or dharma:無色聲香味觸法

無眼耳舌身意 no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mi... | 無色聲香味觸法 no sight, sound, scent, taste, tangibles, or dharma, | 無眼界 乃至無意識界 no field of the eye up to no field of mental conscious...

scent bag:香薰袋

Styling gel 定性啫喱 | Scent bag 香薰袋 | Side sealed facial cotton puffs 压边化妆棉

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Scent Of A Woman
Lemon Scent
Scent Of A Mule
Scent Of A Woman

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy