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rule book相关的网络解释

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与 rule book 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One cannot read a book without learning something:开卷有益

15.规则皆有例外. There is no rule but has exception. | 16.开卷有益. One cannot read a book without learning something. | 17.他们很快就要签合同了. It will not be long before they sign a contract.

commonplace book:备忘录,摘句簿

common-money-rule for water rights 水权的公款条例 | commonplace-book 备忘录,摘句簿 | commotion 扰动,动摇,混乱

I helped him shed some unwanted poundage before beach season:在海滩旺季之前我帮 他免除了一些不必要的手续费

The dodgeball chancellor's an extremely per... | I helped him shed some unwanted poundage before beach season.|在海滩旺季之前我帮 他免除了一些不必要的手续费 | So close your rule book on that one, Poind...

So close your rule book on that one, Poindextor:那就把你那本记录 规则的书合上吧, 珀恩德科特

I helped him shed some unwanted poundage befor... | So close your rule book on that one, Poindextor.|那就把你那本记录 规则的书合上吧, 珀恩德科特 | White, we didn't come here to "rumble". We came here t...

You can take your rule book and shove it right:你可以拿出你的手册 然后把它挤成正确的

- Come on. Read your rule book. - You know what?|- 去,读你... | You can take your rule book and shove it right...|你可以拿出你的手册 然后把它挤成正确的... | I don't believe in fretting or grieving|我不...

Come on. Read your rule book. - You know what:去,读你的手册 - 你懂什么

If they don't do it on purpose, it doesn't count.|如果他... | - Come on. Read your rule book. - You know what?|- 去,读你的手册 - 你懂什么? | You can take your rule book and shove it right...|你可以拿出...

Show-off. I'm gonna have to check the rule book:爱现,我必须查一下规则

I am victorious!|我胜利了! | Show-off. I'm gonna have to check the rule book.|爱现,我必须查一下规则 | Mortal combat!|决一死战!

It's in the rule book. Look it up:这是手册规定的 去查查看

That's an accidental ring. It doesn't count.|那是不小心按的门铃 不算数 | It's in the rule book. Look it up.|这是手册规定的 去查查看 | - Flat head. - Short roots.|- 小平头 - 矮冬瓜

Throw out the rule book, folks, it's down and dirty now. Street dodgeball:扔掉规则书吧,观众们, 现在是黑暗和肮脏的比赛了. 街道闪避球

Two players left on each side. Wh... | Throw out the rule book, folks, it's down and dirty now. Street dodgeball.|扔掉规则书吧,观众们, 现在是黑暗和肮脏的比赛了. 街道闪避球. | Look out. La Fleur goes do...

Rule Book

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy