英语人>网络解释>robbed 相关的网络解释

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与 robbed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was robbed of my cash and cheque-book outside the bank:我在银行外面被人抢走了现金和支票

66. rob v.抢夺,抢... | I was robbed of my cash and cheque-book outside the bank.我在银行外面被人抢走了现金和支票. | They sentenced him to death for robbing a bank of one million pounds.他们因为他抢劫银...

They robbed him in broad daylight:他们在光天化日之下抢劫了他

5. in broad daylight: in the full light of day 大白天... | They robbed him in broad daylight. 他们在光天化日之下抢劫了他. | We expect to see bats in the evening, not in broad daylight. 我们想着会在晚上...

robbed two women at knifepoint:持刀抢劫两名女子

持刀男子knife-wielding men | 持刀抢劫两名女子robbed two women at knifepoint | 持械行劫armed robberies

robbed a taxi driver at knifepoint:用刀指吓洗劫的士司机

犯罪首领crime boss | 用刀指吓洗劫的士司机robbed a taxi driver at knifepoint | 用枪指着某人point their guns to somebody

highwayman:a holdup man, esp. one on horseback, who robbed travelers along a public road:(路劫,拦路强盗)

spectre:a ghost(鬼,幽灵) | highwayman:a holdup man, esp. one on horseback, who robbed travelers along a public road(路劫,拦路强盗) | phantom:an apparition or specter(鬼魂,幻觉)

Who robbed the shoe store:是谁抢了这个鞋店

Harrison seems to be too blinded by your beauty to ask the right questions.|哈里森探长似... | Who robbed the shoe store?|是谁抢了这个鞋店? | - Who the fuck robbed this shoe store? HARRISON: That's okay....

We caught a break with that kid that robbed the cell phone store:我们运气不错,有抢手机店那小子的消息了

Come on, what"s up?|说吧,怎么了? | We caught a break with that kid that robbed the cell phone store.|我们运气不错,有抢手机店那小子的消息了 | That"s the kid who was in the station.|就是去警局的那小子

A mob of blackguards burst into the old man's shop and robbed all the things away:一群恶棍冲进老人的商店抢走了所有的东西

一群奴隶a mob of slave... | 一群恶棍冲进老人的商店抢走了所有的东西. A mob of blackguards burst into the old man's shop and robbed all the things away. | 2)horde,原意为游牧部落,指人群时通常含有轻蔑色彩....

he would find himself plundered and robbed:抄劫窃盗

If others should turn against him, 若他反逆 | he would find himself plundered and robbed. 抄劫窃盗 | His sins would be such如是等罪


I was on holiday alone and I was robbed by two men...|我一个人去度假 我被两个人抢劫 | Robbed?|抢劫? | What hotel were you staying at?|你当时祝在哪里?

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Been Robbed

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

