英语人>网络解释>realistic 相关的网络解释

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与 realistic 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

without cautioning us to be careful to be realistic:而不是警告我們要小心、要實際

讓狂喜充滿了你的指尖到趾間,and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips... | 而不是警告我們要小心、要實際,without cautioning us to be careful to be realistic | 要記得做為人的侷限. to remember the limitatio...

Analyze cases depicting realistic job situations:分析描述现实工作情形的案例

案例分析Case Meth... | 分析描述现实工作情形的案例Analyze cases depicting realistic job situations | 教如何发现潜在的问题并提出切合实际的行动方案Teach trainees how to identify potential problems and rec...

but it is realistic, something your mother excels in:但这就是现实 也是你母亲最擅长的

and it is an auction of innocence that's neither fun nor pretty,|那不过是一场... | but it is realistic, something your mother excels in.|但这就是现实 也是你母亲最擅长的 | But it's my responsibility.|但这...

A clear, focussed, realistic plan:一个清楚地,有焦点的,现实的计划

Key outcomes:主要成果 | 1. A clear, focussed, realistic plan.一个清楚地,有焦点的,现实的计划 | 2. Input and agreement from all stakeholders (workshop or one-on-one).全体参与者投入和协议(研讨会或一对...

These are more realistic, but perishable:这些比较逼真,但会腐烂

Thank God.|感谢上帝 | These are more realistic, but perishable.|这些比较逼真,但会腐烂 | Over here, we have pink suede, which is nice.|这儿,粉红色的鞣皮,很不错

more realistic:更加现实

31.according to the survey 通过调查 | 32.more realistic 更加现实 | 33.be similar to 和...一样

be more realistic:更加现实一些

4 停止做白日梦 stop daydreaming | 5 更加现实一些 be more realistic | 6 宁愿当导演 would rather be a director

be more realistic:变的更现实

75.tell sth to the public 向公众宣布某事 | be more realistic 变的更现实 | stand by 准备行动

be more realistic:现实点吧

is this what you want me to do?你真的想让我这样做? | be more realistic.现实点吧 | I think she's full of crap.我认为她说的都是废话.

be more realistic:更现实点

80.变得甚至更好 become even better | 81. 更现实点 be more realistic. | 82. 被授予许多奖 be honoured with a number of awards

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Don't Buy The Realistic

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

