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与 produce 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He set himself up to be a graduate of a medical school,but he was not:他自称是医科毕业生,其实不是

He sets himself up as an expert in this field.他自认为是这个领域... | He set himself up to be a graduate of a medical school,but he was not.他自称是医科毕业生,其实不是. | 9.cause or produce sth.引起;产...

a sum of money or other resources:资金, 基金

fuel n.燃料 a material used to produce heat or power by burning | fund n.资金, 基金 a sum of money or other resources; | v.支助, 投资 to provide funds for

e.g.: She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears:他紧闭双眼,却无法忍住眼泪

2) that does not produce the result you want 徒劳的;枉... | e.g.: She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears. 他紧闭双眼,却无法忍住眼泪. | IDM in vain: without success 枉费心机...

Get artsy with the pencil and brush tools:获得艺术与铅笔和画笔工具

Obtain accurate color from your desktop color printer获得准确的颜色来自你的桌面彩色打印... | Get artsy with the pencil and brush tools获得艺术与铅笔和画笔工具 | Produce the family photo album制作家庭相册

signal averaging:信号平均值

net produce 净收获 | signal averaging 信号平均值 | covariant functor 协变函子

Don't Be a Slave to Formal Methods:不要做形式方法的奴隶

Some Things Are Better Done than Described. 对有些事情"做"胜于... | Don't Be a Slave to Formal Methods. 不要做形式方法的奴隶. | Expensive Tools Do Not Produce Better Designs. 昂贵的工具不一定能制作出更...

Don't Be a Slave to Formal Methods:不要做方法的崇拜者

Something are better doen then Desired.不要盲从规格书 | Don't be a slave to Formal Methods.不要做方法的崇拜者 | Expensive Tools Do Not Produce Better Designs.工具并不能产生好的设计

time charter:定期租船合同

(四) 租金(hire)按照租金率和时间长短计算;2.>(Time Charter),租约代号为"土产格式"(Produce Form),是由美国纽约土产交易所(New York Produce Exchange:NYPE)于1913年制定的,因而航运界常称此格式为"NYPE"或"纽约格式".


--duc--表示"引导": 向中间(intro-)引导一介绍;向前(pro-)导一生产(produce)一产品(product);再(re-)生产(produce)一复制、生殖(按父母基因进行复制的过程)(reproduce):往回(re-)导一还原、减少(reduce);共同(con-)导一引导、传导(conduct):往外(e-)导教


(四) 租金(hire)按照租金率和时间长短计算;2.>(Time Charter),租约代号为"土产格式"(Produce Form),是由美国纽约土产交易所(New York Produce Exchange:NYPE)于1913年制定的,因而航运界常称此格式为"NYPE"或"纽约格式".

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Henry Cartwright's Produce Stand

industrial ventilation:三下 專業必修 工業通風

三年級下學期 專業必修 作業環境控制技術 ControllingTechnology for Working Place 3 3 | 三下 專業必修 工業通風 Industrial Ventilation 2 2 | 三下 專業必修 風險評估 Risk Assessment 2 2

If I stand starry-eyed:如果我站着空想

A stranger in paradise 一个天堂中的陌生人 | If I stand starry-eyed 如果我站着空想 | That's the danger in paradise 那会是天堂中的危难

metal catalyze:的全文例句

metal catalyze的例句: | metal catalyze的全文例句: | metal catalyze的相关翻译词汇: