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与 perfect 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is a perfect stranger:(他是个完全陌生的人. )

3)He is in perfect health. (他身体十分健康... | 4)He is a perfect stranger. (他是个完全陌生的人. ) | 5)They decided to send their son to England to perfect his English. (他们决定把儿子送到英国去提高他的...

He is a perfect stranger:(他是个完全陌生得人. )

3)He is in perfect health. (他身体十分健康... | 4)He is a perfect stranger. (他是个完全陌生得人. ) | 5)They decided to send their son to England to perfect his English. (他们决定把儿子送到英国去提高他得...

perfect combustion catalyzer:助燃添加剂

perfect combustion catalizer 助燃添加剂 | perfect combustion catalyzer 助燃添加剂 | perfect combustion 完全燃烧

perfect complement:完全互补品

perfect competition 完全竞争 | perfect complement 完全互补品 | perfect monopoly 完全垄断

Perfect consonance:完全协和

"完全终止","Perfect cadence" | "完全协和","Perfect consonance" | "完全八度","Perfect eighth"

perfect diamagnetism:理想抗磁性

perfect crystal 理想晶体 | perfect diamagnetism 理想抗磁性 | perfect elasto plastic body 完全弹塑性体

perfect. it's the perfect location,the perfect weather:太完美了 完美的场地 完美的天气

no,no,i'm just taking it all in. it's...|不 不 我在欣赏着呢 ... | perfect. it's the perfect location,the perfect weather.|太完美了 完美的场地 完美的天气 | eric,it's the perfect wedding.|Eric 这是场完美...

present perfect:现在完成时. 没想到吧,perfect除了"完美的",还可以表示完成时态

slogan n. 口号 | present perfect 现在完成时. 没想到吧,perfect除了"完美的",还可以表示完成时态. | one world ,one dream 同一个世界,同一个梦想

Female, 32, perfect health, perfect blood typing, perfect donor:女,32岁,很健康 血型吻合,是个完美的捐赠者

In your case, we told you what we knew.|对你,我们告诉了你我们... | Female, 32, perfect health, perfect blood typing, perfect donor.|女,32岁,很健康 血型吻合,是个完美的捐赠者 | She was murdered.|她是被谋...

quasi-perfect and double quasi-perfect discrete signal:准最佳离散信号和双准最佳离散信号

完备矩形带:perfect rectangular band | 准最佳离散信号和双准最佳离散信号:quasi-perfect and double quasi-perfect discrete signal | 图的下完美邻域数:the lower perfect neighborhood number of graphs

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Perfect Disaster
The Perfect Storm
Miss Perfect
Perfect World
Perfect Fit
She Looks So Perfect
Perfect Muse
Perfect Day
Close Enough To Perfect
Gotta Lotta Nerve (Perfect Perfect)

make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


在各类细.变形杆菌检验 变形杆菌(Proteus)在自然界分布极广,人和动物的粪便带菌很高,各类食品及用具等均可检出,虽是常见的腐生细菌,但在严重污染的食物中,通过生长繁殖后,.

storage ring:儲存環 =存儲環

storage battery 累積器 =蓄電池 | storage ring 儲存環 =存儲環 | stosszahlansatz 分子混沌= 分子混沌擬設