英语人>网络解释>pat on the back 相关的网络解释
pat on the back相关的网络解释

查询词典 pat on the back

与 pat on the back 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a pat on the back:赞扬,鼓励

buzz off 走开 | a pat on the back 赞扬,鼓励 | get someone's back up 惹某人生气;把某人给惹翻了

a pat on the back:赞扬或鼓励的表示

a pasturing area | 牧区 | a pat on the back | 赞扬或鼓励的表示 | a path strewn with roses | 安乐的一生

a pat on the back:讚揚

lavish:不吝給予 | a pat on the back:讚揚 | default choice:自動的選擇

a pat on the back:表扬,赞扬

97 portray...as... #把 ...描述成,把...写成 | 99 a pat on the back 表扬,赞扬 | 100 attach importance to 认为...重要

She deserves a pat on the back:(她应该得到表扬. )

16 Good employees get a pat on the back, while good secretaries get a pat on the as... | 17 She deserves a pat on the back.;(她应该得到表扬. ) | 18 Pats on the back weren't enough, he wanted fast cash....

give him a pat on the back:(轻轻拍背部)

see his back (他离开). | give him a pat on the back (轻轻拍背部) | turn your back on somebody (不理睬他人),

39.12]39.Better to have a pat on the back than a kick in the butt:39.被鼓励, 总比遭人白眼强

[09:35.97]38.Where there's life, there's hope. ;38.留得青山在, 不怕没... | [09:39.12]39.Better to have a pat on the back than a kick in the butt. ;39.被鼓励, 总比遭人白眼强. | [09:43.50]64.To Edify. 助益...

He received a pat on the back for doing a good job:他工作干得出色而得到赞扬

I patted him on the shoulder. 我轻拍他的肩膀. | He received a pat on the back for doing a good job. 他工作干得出色而得到赞扬. | skim v. (使) 掠过, (使) 擦过; 扫视, 浮光掠影地看;(从表面)撇取; 提取精...

pat on the back:对某人表示赞扬或鼓励、庆贺

(5)stab someone in the back 背叛某人或辜负其信任 | (6)pat on the back 对某人表示赞扬或鼓励、庆贺 | (7)get something off one's back 不再找某人麻烦,不再纠缠某人

pat on the back:赞扬,传颂

pass on 传递 | pat on the back 赞扬,传颂 | pay back 偿还,回报

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy