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never a one相关的网络解释

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与 never a one 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

it never entered one's mind:从未想到

in high spirits 兴致勃勃 | it never entered one's mind ......从未想到...... | make a fool of 出洋相

never a one:没有一个(人)

make one 参加; 使成为一体 | never a one 没有一个(人) | taken one with another 总的看来

A passionate hour´s never a wasted one:真心爱一个人是值得的

First day of love never comes back 初恋的滋味无法再次拥有 | A passionate hour´s never a wasted one 真心爱一个人是值得的 | The violin, the poet´s hand 凭藉小提琴师及诗人的手

A passionate hour's never a wasted one:激情的时光不会枉然

First day of love never comes back初恋的日子一去不返 | A passionate hour's never a wasted one激情的时光不会枉然 | The violin, the poet's hand提琴的弦上,诗人的笔端

A passionate hour's never a wasted one:激情时刻永不后悔

First day of love never comes back 良辰美景永不复回 | A passionate hour's never a wasted one 激情时刻永不后悔 | The violin, the poet's hand, 小提琴之曲,诗人之手笔

A passionate hour's never a wasted one:那激情永远不是浪费时光

First day of love never comes back 爱的起点不会再现 | A passionate hour's never a wasted one 那激情永远不是浪费时光 | The violin, the poet's hand, 梵婀玲,缪斯之手

A passionate hour's never a wasted one:莫让再次燃烧的激情平息

First day of love never comes back 最初的爱不会再现 | A passionate hour's never a wasted one 莫让再次燃烧的激情平息 | The violin, the poet's hand, 颤动的琴音 隽永的诗行

runaway train never going back:迷失的列车不回头

this time i have really led myself astray 这次我把自己带入了岐途. | runaway train, never going back 迷失的列车不回头, | wrong way on a one-way track 任它行驶在单程道,

Some of the old-time sheriffs never even wore a gun:老一辈的警长们通常连手枪也不带

I know I was.|我知道我... | Some of the old-time sheriffs never even wore a gun.|老一辈的警长们通常连手枪也不带 | Folks find that hard to believe. Jim Scarborough never carried one.|有很多人觉得难以置信...

because it was never a well-decorated room:因为它从未不是装饰精美的房间

There wasn't a lot of detail in this room,|这间房没有... | because it was never a well-decorated room.|因为它从未不是装饰精美的房间 | The bar at one end that still had the little tap there.|一端的酒吧还...

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Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练