英语人>网络解释>misfortune 相关的网络解释

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与 misfortune 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Banish Misfortune:(放逐厄运)

The Year Of Jubilo(大赦之年) | Banish Misfortune(放逐厄运) | Fisher'S Hornpipe(渔夫角笛舞)

Banish Misfortune:放逐的孤寂

Banshee妖精 | Banish Misfortune放逐的孤寂 | Farewell To Ireland告别爱尔兰

A great misfortune befell him:一场大难降临到他的头上

1: A great misfortune befell him.一场大难降临到他的头上. | 2: sponsored links:赞助商链接 | 3: be under threat:受到威胁

crow over"=delight in the defeat or misfortune of a rival:(因对手的失利) 炫耀胜利;洋洋得意

I wish John would stop crowing about his examination r... | 4."crow over"=delight in the defeat or misfortune of a rival (因对手的失利) 炫耀胜利;洋洋得意 | Harold's crowing over beating George at golf....

misread misunderstand mistreat mistrust misapply misfortune:误,错,恶

mini-小 miniskirt minibus mini-park | mis- 误,错,恶 misread misunderstand mistreat mistrust misapply misfortune | mono- 单一,独 monoplane Monocycle monogamy


misfit不合适 | misfortune不幸的(mischance不幸-名词) | misehavior品行不良


"(I adore it.),则可能会被犯罪者批评为"白痴"(Idiot)或"糊涂蛋"(Sucker.),被扒了还一味忍耐下去,一定会使对方面临"不幸"(misfortune),所以这世间的因果报应真是有趣.


"相反,人们被告知"只要有一点点儿运气,他们就能逃脱厄运(misfortune)委托(consign)给他们的工作世界(the world of work). "另一位评论者对此表示同意,说"总而言之,彩票可能消弱(undercut)工作伦理和成就感,而代之以运气标准(ethic of luck).

misfortune n.1:不幸 2.灾难,灾祸

unfortunate a.不幸的,令人遗憾的 | misfortune n.1.不幸 2.灾难,灾祸 | misfortune的相关近义词及衍生:

misfortune few:遭受灾难的少数人

insuring community:保险团体 | misfortune few:遭受灾难的少数人 | time of misfortune:灾祸之时

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Wheel Of Misfortune
Soldiers Of Misfortune
Mr. Misfortune

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子