英语人>网络解释>men and women 相关的网络解释
men and women相关的网络解释

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与 men and women 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BRAGA, Sonia:索尼娅.布拉加

equality between women and men;女男平等;; | BRAGA, Sonia;索尼娅.布拉加;; | FISHBURNE, Laurence;劳伦斯.菲什伯恩;;

Again, confusing:是的,这是有点扯

Stand by, men. And manly aliens. Prepare to test fire King Kong hole.|就位,男人,还有外星的男人,... | Again, confusing.|是的,这是有点扯 | We call on women everywhere to join our struggle|我们呼吁所有的女...

open to the public:对公众开放,开业

The men ahead cut the woods and opened the way for the women and children. 前面的男人砍掉灌... | open to the public对公众开放,开业: | It's the first day that this antique shop opens to the public. 这是这...

13.He's penny-wise and pound-foolish:13.他小处精明而大处 糊涂

[22:04.71]11.He's such an anal retentive person. 12.Men don't like women who nag. ;11.他过分拘... | [22:12.17]13.He's penny-wise and pound-foolish. ;13.他小处精明而大处 糊涂. | [22:15.90]103.To Grumble...

A: You don't have to pay to vote .(You don't have to pay a poll tax to vote:答: 不必缴钱就可以投票(不必缴投票税就可以投票)

A: Explains laws... | A: You don't have to pay to vote .(You don't have to pay a poll tax to vote.) 答: 不必缴钱就可以投票(不必缴投票税就可以投票) | A: Any citizen can vote.(Women and men can vote.) 答...

superior materials:选料精良

suitable for men, women and children男女老少皆宜 | superior materials选料精良 | superior performance性能优良

kind, God feering girl..nextdoor:關於我

最喜歡的電視節目: gossip girl | 關於我: kind, God feering girl..nextdoor.. | 我想要結識的人: Men from mars and women from Venus

Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most:另一个庞大的和不幸的错误,大部分

The Relationship With Her 的关系... | Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most 另一个庞大的和不幸的错误,大部分 | men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on. 男性与女性分享他们如何...


mow down 32 Apache women and children.|砍死了32个印第安妇孺小孩 | Renegades...|那都是些异教徒... | gunning down railroad men and their families.|射杀铁路工人和他们的家眷

Shes a Lefthanded Golfer:她是个左撇子的高尔夫球手

38. Such Mom And Dad 如此父亲、母亲 | 39. Shes a Lefthanded Golfer 她是个左撇子的高尔夫球手 | 40. Women Talk More Than Men 女人比男人讲话多

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Men And Women

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy