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与 magnificent 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Magnificent amygdala as well:你的脑杏仁核,没受伤

Obviously, your sense of humor is still intact, and that's here.|很明显,你的幽... | Magnificent amygdala as well.|你的脑杏仁核,没受伤 | -Doctor, l have a question. -l'd be happy to answer it...|- 医生,...

a magnificent anachronism:与这个时代格格不入

The pure warrior. . .|为战争而存在. . . | . . .a magnificent anachronism.|. . .与这个时代格格不入. | General, is it true the President Roosevelt, before he died, . . .|将军,罗斯福总统去世前真的. ....

Magnificent Butcher:林世荣

勇者无惧 Dreadnaught (1981) | 林世荣 Magnificent Butcher (1979) | 醉拳 Jui kuen (1978)

Magnificent Butcher:年 林世荣

1979年 杂家小子 Knockabout | 1979年 林世荣 Magnificent Butcher | 1979年 搏命单刀夺命枪 Bo ming chan dao duo ming chuang

The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists:(壮丽的景色使游客的眼花缭乱. )

1)The king lived in this magnificent palace.(国王住在... | 2)The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists.(壮丽的景色使游客的眼花缭乱. ) | 3)Their magnificent performance gripped the audience.(他们动人...

The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists:(壮丽得景色使游客得眼花缭乱. )

1)The king lived in this magnificent palace.(国王住在... | 2)The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists.(壮丽得景色使游客得眼花缭乱. ) | 3)Their magnificent performance gripped the audience.(他们动人...

Their magnificent performance gripped the audience:(他们动人的表演牢牢地抓住了观众. )

2)The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists.(壮丽的景色使游客的眼花缭乱. ) | 3)Their magnificent performance gripped the audience.(他们动人的表演牢牢地抓住了观众. ) | 14.Survive v. 幸存;比活得长

Their magnificent performance gripped the audience:(他们动人得表演牢牢地抓住了观众. )

2)The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists.(壮丽得景色使游客得眼花缭乱. ) | 3)Their magnificent performance gripped the audience.(他们动人得表演牢牢地抓住了观众. ) | 14.Survive v. 幸存;比活得长



Magnificent Scoundrels:情圣

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Magnificent God
Magnificent Obsession
The Magnificent Seven
The Magnificent Dance
Magnificent Jazzy Jeff
Magnificent Sanctuary Band
Magnificent Outpouring

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子