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与 largely 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Earth Revolves round the Sun:地球绕太阳转

57:planet行星 | 58:The earth revolves round the sun.地球绕太阳转. | 59:This error is largely due to my oversight.这个错误主要是由于我一时疏忽而造成的.

The clouds signified the coming storm:(乌云预示着即将有暴风雨. )

2)He signifies consent with a smile. (他微笑表示同... | 3)The clouds signified the coming storm. (乌云预示着即将有暴风雨. ) | 4)Signification relies largely upon words and gestures. (表示意思主要靠言词和...


顺风航行 sail large | 出手大方的 large-handed | 大兴土木 build largely

greatly disa ointed:大失所望

大千世界the boundle universe | 大失所望greatly disa ointed | 大同小异largely identical but with minor differences

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy