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与 keen 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Duelling Veteran (Bronze): Earn the Duelling Veteran Badge:获得决斗高手徽章

Keen Flyer Badge (Bronze): Earn the Keen Flyer Badge ... | Duelling Veteran (Bronze): Earn the Duelling Veteran Badge 获得决斗高手徽章 | Crest Collector 4 (Bronze): Complete Crest Collector Level 4 完成...

have many keen votaries:有许多热心的爱好者

● 强烈吸引艺术爱好者 fascinate art lovers | ● 有许多热心的爱好者 have many keen votaries | ● 由业余音乐爱好者组成 be made up of amateur enthusiasts for music

Keen-Eared Scout:锐耳侦察

威吓攻击 Intimidating Strike | 锐耳侦察 Keen-Eared Scout | 斗气冲击 Ki Blast

Keen-edged seasons cast their shadows:季节尖锐着它们的影子

看见的飞翔是一种难以言表的秩序 The volitation in vision is a kind of ine... | 季节尖锐着它们的影子 Keen-edged seasons cast their shadows | 抛开结论 活力随时生存下来 Vires survives its ultimate verdict ...


Spell 咒语 | keen-witted 机智敏锐的;伶俐的 | knowledgeable知识渊博的;有见识的

keen-witted and capable:精干机敏的

hook,line and sinker完全,毫无保留地 | keen-witted and capable精干机敏的 | ring in your ears/head 余音绕梁

The sweet keen smell:甜美的芳香沁人心脾

I know the grass beyond the door, 门外的青草是那样的熟悉, | The sweet keen smell, 甜美的芳香沁人心脾, | The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. 还有那,灯火环绕的海滨与轻声的叹息.

The sweet keen smell:甜美 沁人心脾

I know the grass beyond the door, 门口的草我多末的熟悉 | The Sweet, keen smell, , 甜美 沁人心脾 | The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. .岸边的灯火和叹息的声音(我都记得)

The sweet keen smell:芬香撲鼻

I know the grass beyond the door, 我記得門前綠草如茵 | The sweet keen smell, 芬香撲鼻 | The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. 風聲呢喃 岸邊的燈火點點

The sweet keen smell:暗送幽香

I know the grass beyond the door, 犹记得庭外芳昔萋萋 | The sweet keen smell, 暗送幽香 | The sighing sound,the lights around the shore. 涛声惆怅,岸畔灯火渐迷离.

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Razor Keen
Keen On Disco
Roy's Keen

industrial ventilation:三下 專業必修 工業通風

三年級下學期 專業必修 作業環境控制技術 ControllingTechnology for Working Place 3 3 | 三下 專業必修 工業通風 Industrial Ventilation 2 2 | 三下 專業必修 風險評估 Risk Assessment 2 2

If I stand starry-eyed:如果我站着空想

A stranger in paradise 一个天堂中的陌生人 | If I stand starry-eyed 如果我站着空想 | That's the danger in paradise 那会是天堂中的危难

metal catalyze:的全文例句

metal catalyze的例句: | metal catalyze的全文例句: | metal catalyze的相关翻译词汇: