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与 imply 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled:当这个宽限期届满,你仍未履行 合同的话,该合同就终止了

203 Anything else you want to br... | 205 When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled.当这个宽限期届满,你仍未履行 合同的话,该合同就终止了. | 206 I don't want to imply that every point in t...

When the grace period expires, the contract is annulled:当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了

203 Anything else you want to bri... | 205 When the grace period expires, the contract is annulled.当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了. | 206 I don't want to imply that every point in t...


显著的 remarkable, noticeable, notable, outstanding, prominent, | 不安的 uneasy, disturbed, annoyed, discomforted | 表明 show, suggest, indicate, imply

uneasy, disturbed, annoyed, discomforted:不安的

显著的 remarkable, noticeable, notable, outstanding, prominent, | 不安的 uneasy, disturbed, annoyed, discomforted | 表明 show, suggest, indicate, imply

implicated:牵连, 涉及

impious "不尊敬的,无信仰的,不虔诚的" | implicated "牵连, 涉及" | imply "暗示, 暗指"

exciting and mazing and having a real friend of mine:找到自己知心的朋友我很欣喜

Kids in the garden playing games heaving fun /我们还是一群小... | exciting and mazing and having a real friend of mine /找到自己知心的朋友我很欣喜 | fill my heart with forever real eye imply (暗示) /你那...

Emily Van Becks was D.O.A. - Yeah, and, yeah, no kidding:埃米莉凡贝克汉姆是D.O.A. -是啊,和,是的,没有开玩笑

What, doesn't that imply murder?|什么,并不... | - Emily Van Becks was D.O.A. - Yeah, and, yeah, no kidding.|-埃米莉凡贝克汉姆是D.O.A. -是啊,和,是的,没有开玩笑. | That was an animal attack.|这是一种动物...


imply 暗示 | impolder 填成平地 | impolicy 失策

埃米莉凡贝克汉姆是D.O.A. -是啊,和,是的,没有开玩笑:Emily Van Becks was D.O.A. - Yeah, and, yeah, no kidding

What, doesn't that imply murder?|什么,并不... | - Emily Van Becks was D.O.A. - Yeah, and, yeah, no kidding.|-埃米莉凡贝克汉姆是D.O.A. -是啊,和,是的,没有开玩笑. | That was an animal attack.|这是一种动物...

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美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

