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与 imply 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sharp#准;正 | sharply#锐利地 | imply#暗示


empty 空的,空白 | slightly 轻轻地,些微地 | imply 暗示

What about the source of the field energies:那么场域能量的源头是什么

Maybe it's just accumulated, fields affecting fields.|也许这只是不断累积的... | What about the source of the field energies?|那么场域能量的源头是什么? | Wouldn't that imply a prime mover?|这难道不意味着...

impolarizable electrode:去极化电极

imply 意指,暗示 | impolarizable electrode 去极化电极 | import and export firm 进出口商行


42 pens 钱 dispense compensate | 43 plex 使弯折 perplex | 44 ply 含义/内容 reply imply supply

a ringlike symbol suggesting unity:让人想到团结的环状标记

a cloud that suggests a mushroom;一朵让人想到蘑菇的云; | a ringlike symbol suggesting unity.让人想到团结的环状标记 | 2.)间接地表明;暗示:近义词:imply

suggester suggested suggested suggesting:连词

连词 : suggester suggested suggested suggesting | 同义词 : insinuate imply hint intimate | 1. vt. 提出(意见、计划等)

is annulled:当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了

is annulled.当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了. | 206 I don't want to imply that every point in this contract is negotiable.不用我说,该... | 207 I hope no questions about the terms.我看...

When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled:当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了

203 Anything else you want to bri... | 205 When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled.当这个宽限期届满,你仍未执行合同的话,该合同就终止了. | 206 I don't want to imply that every point in t...

When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled:当那个宽限期届满,你仍未运行合同的话,该合同就终止了

203 Anything else you require to ... | 205 When the grace peroid expires, the contract is annulled.当那个宽限期届满,你仍未运行合同的话,该合同就终止了. | 206 I don't require to imply those eextremeccly...

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

