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与 illuminates 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Illuminates By Default:(默认照明)

Disc(圆盘) | Illuminates By Default(默认照明) | Light Radius(灯光范围)

Illuminates homesickness traveler:照亮 思乡的旅人

一轮明月系一程山水 Round bright moonlight is regulation scenery | 照亮 思乡的旅人 Illuminates homesickness traveler | 从五千年前到五千年后,国人 Before five millenniums after five millenniums, peopl...

Daytime shortens, imperceptibly:不知覺白日即將變短

秋光繽紛映現你的風華Bright autumn illuminates your elegance | 不知覺白日即將變短 Daytime shortens, imperceptibly | 不在意初冬黎明草地的霜凍Even winter's early frost on grass can not stop you

Five endangered sea animals pictured on shell; each individually illuminates5:濒危海洋动物图案就壳;每个单独发亮

Shell illuminates for a calming nightlight effect (Blu... | Five endangered sea animals pictured on shell; each individually illuminates5濒危海洋动物图案就壳;每个单独发亮 | Auto shut-off - 45 minute sl...

illuminates your tear-stained face:<照明了你那被泪水玷污的脸庞>

though thunder explodes and lightning flash | illuminates your tear-stained face | I am here tonight

illuminates your tear-stained face:照亮了你满是泪水的脸

though thunder explodes and lightning flash 虽然电闪雷鸣 | illuminates your tear-stained face 照亮了你满是泪水的脸 | I am here tonight 但是今晚我在这里

Barger Illuminates Litestrips .Barger:完美诠释

.Sohonet Launches Vessel .Sohonet公司最近推出Vessel服务 | .Barger Illuminates Litestrips .Barger完美诠释Litestripes | .Bron Kobold Adds All-Weather HMI .布隆科宝公司新添全天候耐风雨高色温灯


skirmisher 游击 | illuminates 照明 | teleport 传送

illuminates your tear-stained face:<照明了你那被泪水玷污的脸庞>

though thunder explodes and lightning flash<虽然雷声轰鸣闪电闪耀> | illuminates your tear-stained face<照明了你那被泪水玷污的脸庞> | I am here tonight<我今晚在这里陪你>

Tetro illuminates your show:泰特罗负责演出的照明

- Abelardo, these are my friends... - ...founder...|-阿维拉多 他们我朋... | Tetro illuminates your show.|泰特罗负责演出的照明 | - It would be good to take it from there - Let's get it out|-弄在这比较好...

第1/2页 1 2 > 尾页

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy