英语人>网络解释>hereby 相关的网络解释

查询词典 hereby

与 hereby 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in the customary fashion:遵照惯例执行

he is hereby sentenced to be recycled|他被判处回收之刑 | in the customary fashion.|遵照惯例执行 | Proceed.|即时生效行刑

Therefore, in the interest of public safety:所以 为了大家的安全

Does indeed, constitute a threat.|实在是让人很不安 | Therefore, in the interest of public safety,|所以 为了大家的安全 | he is hereby sentenced to be recycled|他被判处回收之刑

last will and testament:遗嘱

testament n. 遗嘱 | last will and testament 遗嘱 | hereby adv. (正式)特此,藉此,兹

Special Agent Bloom:特务布伦

Fucking pussy. He won't come out.|没用的家伙,他不肯出来 | Special Agent Bloom!|特务布伦! | You are hereby relieved of all obligation to this investigation.|你不再负责本案的调查了


hereby 特此 | hereditability 继承性 | hereditable 可继承.可遗传的


hereby 因此 | hereditable 可继承的 | hereditament 可继承的财产

the competency question all the more relevant:当事人是否有精神上障碍

The egregiousness of the crime makes|重罪案件首先... | the competency question all the more relevant.|当事人是否有精神上障碍 | I hereby order the defendants to undergo psychiatric evaluation|兹令被告接...


statutory declaration 法定声明 | oaths 宣誓 | hereby 特此

Fire up the iron horse, boys:启动火车,兄弟们

Well, I hereby say, sir, enough!|够了,我和你说,先生,我们受够了! | Fire up the iron horse, boys.|启动火车,兄弟们 | - Hey, blondie? - Name's Jedediah.|- 嘿,金发帅哥? - 我叫杰迪戴亚

Go out with your girlies:和你的那些好友们一起出去

... I want you to get dolled up, and just go out and celebrate tonight.|我希... | Go out with your girlies.|和你的那些好友们一起出去 | I hereby free you from a party with your family, especially your mo...

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

