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与 hedgehog 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其实那只是橡树的果实--橡子(acorn). 可老虎刚刚被刺猬刺(hedgehog)了一下,鼻子还疼着呢,看见浑身是刺的东西就紧张得不得了,以为是刚才那只刺猬的孩子,赶紧笑脸相迎地让路说:"公子好,我刚才还遇到了令尊大人,问候了他老人家呢!

Breezy Badger:活泼的獾

Dapper Drake 整洁的公鸭 6.06 | Breezy Badger 活泼的獾 5.10 | Hoary Hedgehog 白发的刺猬 5.04

Hedgehog Bear:刺猬伪装秀

甜心Terry | 刺猬伪装秀Hedgehog Bear | 纯真 Innocence

sea hedgehog:海胆

sea green 海绿色 | sea hedgehog 海胆 | sea hog 海豚

hedgehog skin:猬皮

蕤仁 hedge prinsepia kernel | 猬皮 hedgehog skin | 鞋跟 heel

echinus, sea hedgehog:海胆

Sea cucumber海参 | echinus, sea hedgehog 海胆 | Shark fin 鱼翅

Hedgehog Hydnum:猴头菇

欧芹籽油 Parsely Oil | 猴头菇 Hedgehog Hydnum | 猕猴桃提取物 Kiwi-Fruit Extract

Procumbent hedgehog cactus:鹿角柱

Prince's-feather 荭草 175 | Procumbent hedgehog cactus 鹿角柱 298 | Procumbent asarina 金鱼藤 246

Steaned Stuffed Rose Bun in Shape of Hedgehog:玫瑰与刺猬包

满载而归 Come Home Loaded With HonOURS | 玫瑰与刺猬包 Steaned Stuffed Rose Bun in Shape of Hedgehog | 南肉蒸蛋饺 Braised Namensis with Egg Dumplings

var. hispida Prain Hedgehog Prickly- Poppy:密刺老鼠艻

粉花老鼠艻 var.hispido-rosea Fedde Rosy Flower | 密刺老鼠艻 var. hispida Prain Hedgehog Prickly- Poppy | 花菱草属 Eschscholzia Cham Goldpoppt

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy