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与 funneled 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They fall by the hundreds:他们数以百计的被击杀

Funneled into this narrow corridor, their numbers count for nothing.|冲向这条... | They fall by the hundreds.|他们数以百计的被击杀 | We send the severed bodies and the fragile hearts back to Xerxes' fe...

One hundred nations descend upon us, the armies of all Asia:千军万马向我们攻击 全亚洲的军队都聚集在这里

...they turned to their magic... | One hundred nations descend upon us, the armies of all Asia.|千军万马向我们攻击 全亚洲的军队都聚集在这里 | Funneled into this narrow corridor, their numbers count for...


funnel 漏斗 | funneled 漏斗状的 | funnelform 漏斗状的

funneled:有漏斗的; 漏斗形的; 有烟囱的 (形)

funnel 通过; 注入 (动) | funneled 有漏斗的; 漏斗形的; 有烟囱的 (形) | funnelled 漏斗状的 (形)

funneled feed duct:带漏斗的进料导管

16 gap adjuster间隙调节器 | 17 adjust handle调节手轮 | 18 funneled feed duct带漏斗的进料导管

Radix Physochlainae Funneled Physochlaina Root:华山参

191 七厘散根 Radix Scopoliae Carniolicoidis Common Scopolia Root | 192 华山参 Radix Physochlainae Funneled Physochlaina Root | 193 金龟莲 Rhizoma Hemsleyae Amabilis Lovely-flower Hemsleya Tuber

Many of these kids were funneled:很多孩子都被扔进了宾州儿童关怀中心

Judge Ciavarella then stepped up his conviction rates.|然后 Ciavarell... | Many of these kids were funneled|很多孩子都被扔进了宾州儿童关怀中心 | into PA Child Care's for-profit juvenile facility.|这个以...

Funneled into this narrow corridor, their numbers count for nothing:冲向这条狭窄的隘口 庞大的军队也拿我们没辙

One hundred nations descend upon us, the armies of all As... | Funneled into this narrow corridor, their numbers count for nothing.|冲向这条狭窄的隘口 庞大的军队也拿我们没辙 | They fall by the hundreds...

funneled millions of dollars in research grants into her brother's company:将几亿美元以科研补助的名义转到她弟弟的公司里 )

We just learned that vice presi... | funneled millions of dollars in research grants into her brother's company. ( 将几亿美元以科研补助的名义转到她弟弟的公司里 ) | That money was filtered into millions...


funneled 漏斗状的 | funnelform 漏斗状的 | funnelled 漏斗状的

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The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子