英语人>网络解释>flab 相关的网络解释
与 flab 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Fl 氟 | flab 松弛 | flabbergast 哑然失色


鱼鸡素食者pesco-pollo-vegetarian | (人)肥肉flab | (诊所)替人做隆胸手术offering breast enlargements

flab:松弛 (名)

fjord 海湾; 峡湾 (名) | flab 松弛 (名) | flabbily 松软地; 优柔寡断地; 无力地 (副)


to luck out,这是指没有料到的运气. | flab, 是指身上股出来的脂肪肥肉 | ripped,形容人身材健美、肌肉强壮.

flight the flab:减肥

Sit-ups,crounches--仰卧起坐 | flight the flab --减肥 | build up to do --逐步建立去做

Lean out the arm flab:收紧手臂上的赘肉

A stepping stone.垫脚石 | Lean out the arm flab.收紧手臂上的赘肉 | As you wish.随便你

Lean out the arm flab:[收紧松弛的手臂]

Good, good. Tighten that punem. [很好, 弄紧实点儿] | Lean out the arm flab. [收紧松弛的手臂] | Downsize these hips about 15%. [腰围缩15%]

Hey, watch it. DUMARE: Stakeouts equal flab, Abrego:嘿,注意点. -注意点周围,阿布来多

Hey! Hey!|嘿!嘿! | Hey, watch it. DUMARE: Stakeouts equal flab, Abrego.|-嘿,注意点. -注意点周围,阿布来多 | Yeah?|找谁?

I don't mind a bit of flab:肌肉松弛我也不介意

So ya bum is on the big side 故你是乃一个无赖 | I don't mind a bit of flab 肌肉松弛我也不介意 | It means that when I'm ready 只要我想要

Yeah, that's right. I'm covered in flab:正是 我肉很松

My process will be a waste on you.|把你转基因绝对是浪费 | Yeah, that's right. I'm covered in flab.|正是 我肉很松 | What should we do with him, sir?|我们如何处理他,长官?

第1/2页 1 2 > 尾页
The Obliteration Of Flab Quarv 7

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

