英语人>网络解释>fascinate 相关的网络解释

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与 fascinate 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


fascine 捆柴 | fasciate 用带捆住的 | fascinate 迷惑,迷住

讨好的(ingratiate讨好:ingratiating a

fascinating a 迷人的(fascinate使...入迷) | ingratiating a 讨好的(ingratiate讨好; | grat 感激)

fail omit:失败

94 extract take out 取出,拔出 | 95 fail omit 失败 | 96 fascinate intrigue 使着迷

orator public speaker:(演说者, 演讲者, 雄辩家)

oligarchy government by a few, instead of many (dictatorship, monarchy) (寡头政治, 寡头政治的执... | orator public speaker (演说者, 演讲者, 雄辩家) | entrance fascinate, put a spell on (使出神; 使神志恍...


fascinate 迷住 | strenuously 不屈不挠地 | contemplate 沉思;注视

in vain: to no purpose; without effect:徒然; 无效

17. dazzle v.: fascinate. 迷惑. | 18. in vain: to no purpose; without effect. 徒然; 无效. | 20. thatch'd cottage: cottage roofed with straw. 草屋.

I hope I do not repulse you with my unladylike habit:你讨厌我这种坏习惯

Like my father used to smoke.|我爸以前抽的那种 | I hope I do not repulse you with my unladylike habit.|你讨厌我这种坏习惯 | No, no. On the contrary, you fascinate me.|不会,我觉得很有意思


oppress 压迫;压制 | wearisome 疲劳 | fascinate 迷住


fascinate 使着迷 | fascinatedly 出神地 | fascinating 迷人的

have many keen votaries:有许多热心的爱好者

● 强烈吸引艺术爱好者 fascinate art lovers | ● 有许多热心的爱好者 have many keen votaries | ● 由业余音乐爱好者组成 be made up of amateur enthusiasts for music

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy