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与 exceed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

comes at the least convenient time:正值最方便的时间

lesson in calculating data transfer and bandwidth - usually教训,在计... | comes at the least convenient time.正值最方便的时间. | When you exceed your limits, a bargain host usually just shuts当您超出您...

be willing to accept:愿赌服输

take action 动若脱兔 | be willing to accept 愿赌服输 | exceed expectations 好的吓死你

brand-new laws:刚出台的法律

出庭 : appear in court | 刚出台的法律 : brand-new laws | 3. ver [超出] exceed

Drive carefully:专心驾驶 谨防追尾

44 严禁超速 Don't Exceed Speed Limit | 45 专心驾驶 谨防追尾 Drive Carefully | 46 请按车道行驶/分道行驶 Use Correct Lane

Let's cheer on and win:让我们都加油

北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, music plays on heart string | 让我们都加油 Let's cheer on and win | 去超越自己 Yourself to exceed

come up to:符合

1.我们希望这批货物会安全抵达你方并符合(come up to)你方的期望. 2.所有布袋(sack)都有防水内衬(interior water-proof lining)以保护货物. 3.板条箱(crate)总长不得超过(exceed)4英尺. 5.我们会将你们对包装的意见(comments)及时(duly)转告有关厂商供他们考虑.


as ...)"热的","温的"(lukewarm)或"很糟的"(atrocious).在头两种情况下,至少我们在描述其温度超过(exceed)我们的(温度的)程度.用在手电(flashlight)中的普通干电池(dry cell)被构作(construct)成图23-8所示那样.正电极(electrode)是一根碳棒(carbon rod),


193. 超越:transcend,surpass,exceed | 194. 翻译:interpret,translate,construe | 195. 有关的:pertinent,relevant,related


3.板条箱(crate)总长不得超过(exceed)4 英尺. 5.我们会将你们对包装的意见(comments)及时(duly)转告有关厂商供他们考虑. 6.我们相信你们对分四批(lots)装运货物不会有困难. 7.我们能尽力做到的是五月装船,因为厂商手头(on hand)有大量积压订单.


3. ver [超出] exceed | 出轨 : derail | 4. ver [给] give out

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy