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与 endure 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

容忍 bear in mind remember :记住:bear with: tolerate, endure

backup 后备人员,后备设备 | bear with: tolerate, endure 容忍 bear in mind remember :记住 | protest 气愤至极

A dateless lively heat, still to endure:持续的热量将泉水激活

Which borrow'd from this holy fire of Love 借助于神圣的情爱之火- | A dateless lively heat, still to endure, 持续的热量将泉水激活, | And grew a seething bath, which yet men prove变成温泉浴场,人们还说...

If help did not come then,the soldiers must endure to the end:那时如果无人求援,士兵必须忍耐到底

43.A contented person is happ... | 45.Dick was sent to the hospital because of a minor injury in ... | 46.If help did not come then,the soldiers must endure to the end. 那时如果无人求援,士兵必须忍耐到底.


花旗:DRAM开始进入烧钱(burn cash)阶段既然已进入"烧钱阶段",各大厂比的就是谁的本钱粗,Jay Choi指出,以忍受(endure)期间来看,三星电子可撑最久、约为十二季,其余DRAM业者平均只能撑二.五六季,其中美光为三.六季、力晶与南科则分别为二.三与二.一季,




Vitae) 忍耐(Endure)十二月十七日 线杉(Common Cypress) 持久(Durable)十二月十八日 印度杉(Cedar of Goa) 成熟(Maturity)十二月十九日 冬石南(Winter Heath) 恶女(Wicked Woman)十二月二十日 雨伞花(Umbrella) 正统性(Legitimacy)十二月二十一日 冬石南(Winter Heath) 猜疑心(Suspicion)十二月二十二日 欧石南(Winter Heat


而今我们正陷入一场惨烈的内战,这正是考验著这个国家,或是任何一个怀抱如此信念和原则的国家是否能够永续存在(endure)? 我们现在聚集在这个内战(the War)中最惨烈的战场,要把其中一部份的土地奉献给捐弃性命换取国家生存的同胞(those who)作为永息之地.

wear: endure:持久

deal with: treat. 对待. | wear: endure. 持久. | above all: more than all; above everything else. 首先,最重要.

Endure Elements:忍受元素伤害

形体变化 Shapechange 278 | 忍受元素伤害 Endure Elements 228 | 投影术 Project Image 267

She could never endure being/to be treated unkindly:她不能容忍别人待她不好

17. endure: vt. bear (pain, suffering, etc.) 忍... | Be quiet! I can't endure that noise a moment longer. 安静点!这种噪音... | She could never endure being/to be treated unkindly. 她不能容忍别人待她不好.

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Strength To Endure
Can I Endure


Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练