英语人>网络解释>begin 相关的网络解释

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与 begin 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

begin to do sth.. = begin doing sth. = start to do sth. = start doing sth:开始做某事

become friends 成为朋友 | begin to do sth.. = begin doing sth. = start to do sth. = start doing sth. 开始做某事 | begin with 以...开头

start to do sth. = start doing sth. = begin to do sth. = begin doing sth:开始做某事

square metres 平方米 | start to do sth. = start doing sth. = begin to do sth. = begin doing sth. 开始做某事 | take a boat trip 乘小船旅行

begin to do sth:开始

begin to do sth. /开始...... | begin doing/开始 | to begin with/首先;第一点(理由)

begin to do sth:开始(着手)做某事

begin school 开学 | begin to do sth.. 开始(着手)做某事 | begin with 以......开始

start / begin to do sth:开始做某事 start/begin doing sth开始做某事

34.every+名词单数/each+名词单数 | 35.start/begin to do sth开始做某事 start/begin doing sth开始做某事 | 36.store them in boxes under my bed把它们储藏在床下面的盒子里

begin to do sth / begin doing sth:开始做某事

prefer to do sth / prefer doing sth. 宁可做某事 | begin to do sth / begin doing sth. 开始做某事 | start to do sth / start doing sth. 开始做某事

begin to do sth / begin doing sth:开端做某事

prefer to do sth / prefer doing sth. 宁可做某事 | begin to do sth / begin doing sth. 开端做某事 | start to do sth / start doing sth. 开端做某事

begin doing sth=begin to do sth:开始做某事

67.start doing sth=start to do sth开始做某事 | 68.begin doing sth=begin to do sth开始做某事 | 69.like doing sth=like to do sth喜欢做某事

begin with ABC:从简单的开始

1、begin with ABC 从简单的开始 | That question is too difficult Let's begin with ABC 那个问题太难了. 让咱们从最简... | The exercises puzzled him . He wanted to begin with ABC 这些练习可难住他了. 他想从简...

begin to begin with:首先

begin doing sth. 开始做 | begin to begin with 首先 | begin to do sth. 开始做

第1/52页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Can I Begin
Let The Games Begin
Begin The Beguine
(Where Do I Begin) Love Story
Let The Killing Begin
Where Do I Begin?
Begin Again From The Beginning
Black Days Begin
Let's Begin (Shoot The Shit)
Begin The Begin

make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


在各类细.变形杆菌检验 变形杆菌(Proteus)在自然界分布极广,人和动物的粪便带菌很高,各类食品及用具等均可检出,虽是常见的腐生细菌,但在严重污染的食物中,通过生长繁殖后,.

storage ring:儲存環 =存儲環

storage battery 累積器 =蓄電池 | storage ring 儲存環 =存儲環 | stosszahlansatz 分子混沌= 分子混沌擬設