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baseball game相关的网络解释

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与 baseball game 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baseball bat:棒球球棒

*barber shop 理发店;理发厅 | *baseball bat 棒球球棒 | baseball game 棒球比赛

listen to the baseball game:收听棒球比赛

32. look tired 看起来累 | 33. listen to the baseball game 收听棒球比赛 | 34. write a new song 写一首新歌

listen to the baseball game:听棒球比赛

观看一部练习碟 watch an exercise video | 听棒球比赛 listen to the baseball game | 度假 on vacation

I went to a baseball game:我去看棒球赛

39.What did you do last weekend? 上个周末你做些什么? | 40.I went to a baseball game. 我去看棒球赛. | 41.Where did you go over the weekend? 你在哪里渡周末?

my first pro baseball game, refinish a deck and surfing:我的第一次专业棒球比赛 翻新甲板 还有冲浪

Go camping, learn how to ride a two-wheeler,|去野... | my first pro baseball game, refinish a deck and surfing.|我的第一次专业棒球比赛 翻新甲板 还有冲浪 | That's my Dad List.|全是我爸爸的活动计划 [未成...

The Bigs Arcade Style Baseball:魔球大联盟(体育-棒球)

Beowulf The Game || 贝奥武夫(动作) | The Bigs: Arcade Style Baseball || 魔球大联盟(体育-棒球) | Bionicle Heros || 乐高生化英雄(动作冒险)

Drove down to Miami for Bark in the Park Night at the Marlins game:驱车到迈阿密看棒球比赛

Picked oranges from our tree. Made orange juice.|... | Drove down to Miami for Bark in the Park Night at the Marlins game.|驱车到迈阿密看棒球比赛 | Brought Marley, who turned out to be a real baseball ...

go to the baseball match/game:去(看)棒球赛

12. go to the concert 去(看)音乐会 | 13. go to the baseball match /game 去(看)棒球赛 | 14. go to the mall 去商业街

Then we go into March Madness, baseball:接着我们就会进入三月的疯狂,棒球

They're gonna remember as soon as you win a game.|只要你赢一次,他们... | Then we go into March Madness, baseball.|接着我们就会进入三月的疯狂,棒球 | Next year, this won't even be a memory.|到明年,甚至没...

We Love Game Golf-USA:我們都愛高爾夫

0376-Super Mario Stadium Family Baseball-JAP-瑪莉歐棒球場-家庭棒球 | 0421-We Love Game Golf-USA-我們都愛高爾夫 | 0422-Little League World Series Baseball 2008-USA-小聯盟世界錦標賽2008

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spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力