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any less相关的网络解释

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与 any less 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In less than a minute, you're gonna asphyxiate and pass out:一分钟之内你将窒息而亡

It's filling up your lungs right now.|它现在在你的... | In less than a minute, you're gonna asphyxiate and pass out.|一分钟之内你将窒息而亡 | But you shouldn't be feeling any pain right now, okay?|不过你...

Dispenses directly into any size cup in less than 2 minutes per cup:直接分配到任何大小的杯,在不到2分钟每杯

Single-serve hot-beverage center makes coffee, t... | Dispenses directly into any size cup in less than 2 minutes per cup直接分配到任何大小的杯,在不到2分钟每杯 | Removable 14-ounce water reservoir with...

In a little while from now:于此刻兮度稍息

Alone again naturally 孑然如斯 | In a little while from now 于此刻兮度稍息 | If I'm not feeling any less sour 若余悲兮渐未离

In a little while from now:再过一会儿

In a little while from now 再过一会儿 | If I'm not feeling any less sour 若不再感到痛楚 | I promise myself, to treat myself 就向自己保证,对自己好一点

Oh in a little while from now:呵,哪怕沮丧再深半毫

Future的翻译 | Oh in a little while from now 呵,哪怕沮丧再深半毫 | if I'm not feeling any less sour 不出多久

This is a very fine shirt:这件衬衫挺好

What size,please?请问多大尺寸? | This is a very fine shirt. 这件衬衫挺好. | Don't you hxdye any less expensive shirts?你们没有便宜点儿的衬衣?

Which doesn't mean that I love you any the less:但我可没说我因此就不再爱你

...it's just not gonna happen.|这些不可能发生了. | Which doesn't mean that I love you any the less.|但我可没说我因此就不再爱你. | Who does he think he is?|他认为他是谁?

Which doesn't mean that I love you any the less:哪个做并非平均值 我爱你任何较少的

...it's just not gonna happen.|这不正是发生. | Which doesn't mean that I love you any the less.|哪个做并非平均值 我爱你任何较少的. | Who does he think he is?|他认为他谁?

The middle-aged man was no less (no other) a person than the new headmaster:这位中年人正是新来的校长

19. He is no less a person than... | 20. The middle-aged man was no less (no other) a person than the new headmaster.这位中年人正是新来的校长. | 21. He was less reasonable than any one in this world.在...

You think I'm totally lacking in any fazing:我像是没意见的样子吗

Completely unfazed?|完全没意见... | You think I'm totally lacking in any fazing?|我像是没意见的样子吗? | the idea that I'm anything less than half-fazed I actually find offensive.|你说我不关心病人 这让...

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I Can't Love You Any Less
I Won't Love You Any Less


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

