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any less相关的网络解释

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与 any less 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to become any less rich:降低富足的程度

the greediest and most muscular countries 最贪婪最强大的国家 | to become any less rich 降低富足的程度 | to be a lot less poor 大大减轻贫穷的现状

m not feeling any less sour:若不再感到酸楚

a little while from now 再过一会儿 | m not feeling any less sour 若不再感到酸楚 | promise myself, to treat myself 就对自己保证,对自己好好一点

Any less the black man who:也不比那个黑色的家伙好,那家伙

But no less a devil for that, no not 但这样你也仍不比一个恶魔好,一点儿 | Any less the black man who 也不比那个黑色的家伙好,那家伙 | Bit my pretty red heart in two. 把我那可爱的红心一咬两瓣

couldn't care any less:一點都不在乎

make a racket: 製造很多噪音 | couldn't care any less: 一點都不在乎 | go crook on: 抱怨

Does that make it any less true:难道不对吗

House told her to say that,didn'te?|House让她那样说的 是吗? | Does that make it any less true?|难道不对吗? | You think he's right?|你觉得他是对的?

any the less:更少一点, 更小一点

chemicure 化学硫化 | any the less 更少一点, 更小一点 | milkranch [美]奶品农场

any the less:更少(更小)一些

It isn't a simple matter any more. 那不再是一个简单的问题. | any the less更少(更小)一些: | I don't think any the less of you because of this failure. 我并不因为这次失败就小看你.

They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic on that account:他们累了,但并没有因此而减少热情

She was divorced, and on that account alone my... | They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic on that account. 他们累了,但并没有因此而减少热情. | Weather conditions were poor, but he did not dela...

She did not work any the less for her illness:她并没有因为生病而少做一些工作

I don't think any the less of you because of this failure. 我并不因为这次失败就小看你... | She did not work any the less for her illness. 她并没有因为生病而少做一些工作. | any way不管怎样,无论如何,总之...

I don't think any the less of you because of this failure:我并不因为这次失败就小看你

any the less更少(更小)一些: | I don't think any the less of you because of this failure. 我并不因为这次失败就小看你. | She did not work any the less for her illness. 她并没有因为生病而少做一些工作...

第1/3页 1 2 3 > 尾页
I Can't Love You Any Less
I Won't Love You Any Less

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

