英语人>网络解释>against all the odds 相关的网络解释
against all the odds相关的网络解释

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与 against all the odds 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is against all odds:已经不可能

And you comin' back to me让你回头 | Is against all odds已经不可能 | It's the chance I've gotta这就是我的命运

against all the odds:尽管有极大的困难

115againstprep. 反对,靠,倚 | 116against all the odds尽管有极大的困难 | 118agencyn. 代理,代理处

against all the odds:不顾所有不利的条件、环境

9) Bound up in 专心,沉迷于 | 10)Against all the odds 不顾所有不利的条件、环境 | 11)Like oil and water 水火不相容,不可能的事

This happened against all the odds:这种事发生的机率很低

Mine's 45.|我的是45岁 | This happened against all the odds.|这种事发生的机率很低 | My stupid egg found its way to the three sperm he had left.|我迟钝的卵子自己摸索 找到他剩下的三颗精子

Christ be praised. Against all the odds Satan could muster:赞美上帝 诅咒一切邪恶

Ah, God!|啊,上帝! | Christ be praised. Against all the odds Satan could muster.|赞美上帝 诅咒一切邪恶 | Alecto, let me see you.|阿列克托,让我看看你

Against All Odds on the Field of Dreams:为梦想而战

Against All Odds on the Field of Dreams为梦想而战 | What If? 如果 | Let'S Keep Dancing继续跳舞

it is believe, against all odds, in the best of each other:就是不管怎样,都要彼此信任,彼此关爱

And if there's one thing family does...|如果家人会做一件事... | ...it is believe, against all odds, in the best of each other.|就是不管怎样,都要彼此信任,彼此关爱 | I love him.|我爱他

Short-stacked and long odds against, all their outs gone:短期的大赢和长期的胜败, 他们都出局了

[Mike Narrating] I've often seen these people, these squares, a... | Short-stacked and long odds against, all their outs gone,|短期的大赢和长期的胜败, 他们都出局了, | one last card in the deck that can...

Observe to the fullest extent:尽量遵守

尽管有很大困难 Against all these odds | 尽量遵守 Observe to the fullest extent | 劲射 Power shot

Like all early peoples, their senses are fine-tuned:如同所有原始人一般,他们的感观已经微调

...the odds of a successful hunt are stacked against these Neandert... | Like all early peoples, their senses are fine-tuned...|如同所有原始人一般,他们的感观已经微调... | ...to the presence of animals....

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy