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across from相关的网络解释

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与 across from 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

across from the airport:在机场对面

write a tour guide for your neighborhood 为你的街区写一份旅游指南 | across from the airport 在机场对面 | go straight down Center Street on the left 在左面沿中央大街直走

across the board rule:全域规则

across from | 在对面 | across the board rule | 全域规则 | across the sea | 远隔重洋, 到海外

across the street from:在...的街对面

account number 账号 | across the street from 在...的街对面 | act up (疾病)发作, (身体)不适

From across the room, David cast a glance at his brother:隔着房间,大卫瞥了一下弟弟

8) Their angry glare frightened the women. 他们因愤怒而... | 9) From across the room, David cast a glance at his brother. 隔着房间,大卫瞥了一下弟弟. | 10) John took a glance at the beautiful women.约翰...

As we come across, these young fellows from Cork:我们一过去 那些来自考克的小孩子

The woods and the stream seemed like the Amazon to us.|森林和小溪... | As we come across, these young fellows from Cork...|我们一过去 那些来自考克的小孩子... | there's some banter about our accents...|...

travel from coast to coast across Australia:(这应该是每个澳大利亚人的愿望吧)

5. love your body (对于我这种天天吃junk food的人来说,太难了) | 6. travel from coast to coast across Australia (这应该是每个澳大利亚人的愿望吧) | 7. own a tailor-made suit (还是回国做吧,这里裁缝太贵)

Drive across America from coast to coast:从美国的一头开车去另一头. . 册那,以为全世界就一个美国啊

53. Ask someone you've only just met to go on a date... | 54. Drive across America from coast to coast. 从美国的一头开车去另一头. . 册那,以为全世界就一个美国啊 | 55. Make a complete and utter fool of y...

spread across. . . ,spread from...to...; spread through:传播

10. take advantage of利用 | 11. spread across. . . ,spread from...to...; spread through..."传播'' | 12. rather than而不,与其说......倒不如说......;

Can you swim from across the English Channel:你能从英吉利海峡游过来吗

You may choose one from among these b... | Can you swim from across the English Channel?你能从英吉利海峡游过来吗? | Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake . ...

I sensed the wretched spectres of the drowned staring across from some distant shore:我感觉不幸的水鬼正在凝望着遥远的海岸

I feel the strength of his embrace as we're closel... | I sensed the wretched spectres of the drowned staring across from some distant shore, 我感觉不幸的水鬼正在凝望着遥远的海岸 | and in my sadness I ...

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Music From Across The Way
Across From Midnight

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子