英语人>网络解释>acne 相关的网络解释
与 acne 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eases memory access:减缓记忆力损失

Zinc锌 | Eases memory access减缓记忆力损失 | Lessens acne outbreaks减少面疮的爆发


* Collagen 骨胶原 | * Hydrating 深层补水 | * Anti-Acne 去痘护理

breast implants:隆胸

隆胸:breast implants | 隆鼻:hump nose | Acne 青春痘用品

Dermal Diseases, Erythema Nodosum:(皮肤疾病, 结节性红斑)

Dermal Diseases, Psoriasis (皮肤疾病, 银屑病) | Dermal Diseases, Erythema Nodosum (皮肤疾病, 结节性红斑) | Dermal Diseases, Acne Vulgaris (皮肤疾病, 寻常痤疮)

abscesses and boils:脓肿与疖

stiffness 关节僵硬 | abscesses and boils 脓肿与疖 | acne 粉刺/痤疮

Exposing the skin for chlorine or other halogens, or medicines containing halogens:暴露皮肤氯或其他卤素,或含有卤素

- Some antiperspirant pro... | - Exposing the skin for chlorine or other halogens, or medicines containing halogens.暴露皮肤氯或其他卤素,或含有卤素. | - Women may get aggravated acne 2-7 days before me...

Exposing the skin for chlorine or other halogens, or medicines containing halogens:为皮肤暴露氯气或其它卤素或含卤素

- Some antiperspirant pro... | - Exposing the skin for chlorine or other halogens, or medicines containing halogens.-为皮肤暴露氯气或其它卤素或含卤素. | - Women may get aggravated acne 2-7 days before ...

Golden Oldies:老歌金曲

Teen Acne 粉刺青春 | Golden Oldies 老歌金曲 | The Average American Woman 美国妇女

Zero Oil Instant matte finish for shiny places:清爽吸油液

Spot Remover Acne blemish treatment gel 暗疮疗液 10ml HK$... | Zero Oil Instant matte finish for shiny places 清爽吸油液 18ml HK$100 | Cover Your Mouth TM Lip protector with SPF 8 防晒润唇膏SPF8 4.5g H...

Tea Tree Oil Toner:茶树油爽肤水

Rosewater Toner玫瑰爽肤水 | Tea Tree Oil Toner茶树油爽肤水 | All-Day Masque Oily-Acne全天候面膜(油性,暗疮)

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Ostrea rivularis:近江牡蛎

集聚成堆分布于小清河口的近江牡蛎(Ostrea rivularis)也同遭厄运,目前几乎灭绝. 3.1.4 秋汛对虾渔业兼捕是带鱼、小黄鱼资源衰退的主要原因 60年代兴起并迅速发展的秋汛对虾底拖网渔业兼捕损害了大量的幼鱼是导致带鱼、鳓鱼(Ilisha elongata)几近绝迹,

non-aligned movement:结盟运动

nominal 名义上的 | non-aligned movement 结盟运动 | non-alignment organization 结盟组织


abettor 教唆犯 | abeyance 搁置 | abeyant 中止的