英语人>网络解释>accurate 相关的网络解释

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与 accurate 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The more accurate question would be:更精确来说

And how does my personal life affect your business?|我的私生活怎么会 影响... | The more accurate question would be...|更精确来说, | how does your personal life affect your business?|是你的私生活 会影响你...

only thing more accurate incoming incomingfriendly fire:唯一比敌人火力还准确的是友军打过来的炮火. (误射)

21. Tracers both ways. 曳光弹可以帮你... | 22. only thing more accurate incoming incomingfriendly fire. 唯一比敌人火力还准确的是友军打过来的炮火. (误射) | 23. Make tough for and out. 当你防守周密到敌...

Smoother lawn for easier and more accurate mowing:顺畅草坪更容易和更准确的刈割

Repairs lawn damage caused by frost heaving修理草坪所造成的损害冻... | Smoother lawn for easier and more accurate mowing顺畅草坪更容易和更准确的刈割 | Aids in the laying of sod.艾滋病在铺设超氧化物歧化酶...

Mostly the smaller, more mobile, less-accurate kind:大多数是小型的,机动性强的,精确度差的类型

the ones we can't find.|那些我们没法找... | Mostly the smaller, more mobile, less-accurate kind.|大多数是小型的,机动性强的,精确度差的类型 | All he can do with those is target our cities.|那些原子弹他 只...

most accurate:最准确的

Modular expandability 模块化可扩展性 | most accurate 最准确的 | Mounting 安装

the most accurate identification tool:[目前最准确的鉴定工具]

With decomposition this extensive, [腐烂到了这种程度的话] | the most accurate identification tool [目前最准确的鉴定工具] | is dental records. [牙齿鉴定]

Pull for accurate target pinpointing:精确的目标指示

DUAL-FUNCTION TRIGGER SWITCH 对偶函数转换器 | 1、Pull for accurate target pinpointing 精确的目标指示 | 2、Push to cancel ground mineral interference 消除地面矿石干扰

Sight lines assist in keeping the putterhead in-line for accurate putts:观光线,协助保持putterhead在网上准确的推杆

Features: ... | Sight lines assist in keeping the putterhead in-line for accurate putts.观光线,协助保持putterhead在网上准确的推杆. | Putterhead geometry promotes stability at impact for increased accu...

Two hearts with accurate devotions:两颗心都怀着绝对的虔诚

Oooh but what is love without lust? / 呜...但若是没有情欲又何来... | Two hearts with accurate devotions / 两颗心都怀着绝对的虔诚 | Oooh but what are feelings without emotions? / 呜...但若是没有情感又何...

Two hearts with accurate devotions:两颗心发誓到地老天荒

Oooh but what is love without lust? / 呜...但没有情欲的爱是什... | Two hearts with accurate devotions / 两颗心发誓到地老天荒 | Oooh but what are feelings without emotions? / 呜...但激情淡去是否还能感觉到...

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy