英语人>网络解释>abolition 相关的网络解释

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与 abolition 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abolish 废除 | abolition 废除 | aborane 乔木烷


ability scale 能力量表 | abolition 取消 | abnormal 变态的


abolition 取消 | abolition 撤销 | abort 故障


abode 住所;常住地 | abolition 废除;取消 | abominable 可鄙;可憎;可恶

waste abolition:废废底

*笨笨底*simple-minded | *废废底*waste abolition | *颠颠底*britain britain

Abolition act:废奴法(英

Abolition 取消 | Abolition act 废奴法(英1807-1838) | Abolition of administrative act 行政行为的废止

abolition of reflex:反射消失

abnormity 异常性 | abolition of reflex 反射消失 | abominate 厌恶

abolition of reflex:反射消失,无反射

abolition of ground-rent 取消地租 | abolition of reflex 反射消失,无反射 | aboriginal 先住民

Abolition of Slavery:废除奴隶制度

abolition 取消 废除 | abolition of slavery 废除奴隶制度 | abolitionism 废除论

Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act:废除种族差别性土地措施法案

abolition of posts;裁撤职位;; | Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act;废除种族差别性土地措施法案;; | abolition of refund to organizations;取消对各组织的退款;;

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The Abolition Of Man

rosin spirit:松脂醇; 松香精

rectified spirit精馏酒精 | rosin spirit松脂醇; 松香精 | rye spirit黑麦酒精

Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers:殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体

- That was amber. - Nice try,cutthroat bi... | - Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers.|- 殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体 | Everybody in that place obviously died ...

AMP amplitude:振幅,幅度

AMP Amplifier 放大器,扩大器 | AMP Amplitude 振幅,幅度 | AMPA Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array 自适应多波束相控阵