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与 Purim 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Feast of Tabernacles;Feast of Booths;Feast of Ingathering:住棚节(收割节)

236.Feast of Purim 普珥节 | 237.Feast of Tabernacles;Feast of Booths;Feast of Ingathering 住棚节(收割节) | 238.Feast of Unleavened Bread 无酵节;除酵节

Pesach is Passover at Nisan 15. pesach:逾越节是在尼散月14日15

Purim is Adar 26. 普林节是亚达26 . | Pesach is Passover at Nisan 15. pesach逾越节是在尼散月14日15 . | Shavuot is Jewish Pentecost at Sivan 6. 五旬节是犹太五旬在西弯月6 .


Handwriting on the wall不祥之兆 厄运临头的预兆 | Purim (普珥)指抽签 | The patience of Job (约伯的耐性) 指无限的忍耐力

Feast of Purim:普珥日

Fear the Jews 害怕犹太人 145 | Feast of Purim 普珥日261 | Feast of the harvest 收割节324

Feast of Purim:普珥节

235.Feast of Dedication 修殿节;献殿节 Feast of Light 光明节 | 236.Feast of Purim 普珥节 | 237.Feast of Tabernacles;Feast of Booths;Feast of Ingathering 住棚节(收割节)

Purim is Adar 26:普林節是亞達26

Ta'anis Esther is the Fast of Esther at Adar 25. ta'anis埃丝特是快速的埃丝特在亚达25 . | Purim is Adar 26. 普林节是亚达26 . | Pesach is Passover at Nisan 15. pesach逾越节是在尼散月14日15 .

I don't get it. What kind of man passes up pussy for Purim:为宗教 而舍弃美女的算什么男人

I doubt I'd be in my situation.|我就不知该如何因应 | I don't get it. What kind of man passes up pussy for Purim?|为宗教 而舍弃美女的算什么男人 | Soup and a tenderloin of pork.|汤及嫩猪排

The kids aren't dressing up as Scorcher|for Purim anymore:现在小孩们在犹太普林节不打扮成"热天"了|(《热天总动员》主角快男)

Let's face it.|面对现实吧 | The kids aren't dressing up as Scorcher|for Purim anymore.|现在小孩们在犹太普林节不打扮成"热天"了|(>主角快男) | Speedman is a dying star,|快男是过气明星

And not only is he sleeping with a man, soon he'll be celebrating Purim:现在他不仅和男的睡在一起, 很快他还会庆祝起普林节[犹太节日]来的

He's moved in with Howard Cu... | And not only is he sleeping with a man, soon he'll be celebrating Purim.|现在他不仅和男的睡在一起, 很快他还会庆祝起普林节[犹太节日]来的. | More important, for the fir...

The kids aren't dressing up as Scorcher|for Purim anymore:现在小孩们在犹太普林节不打扮成"热天"了|(《热天总动员》主角快男)

Let's face it.|面对现实吧 | The kids aren't dressing up as Scorcher|for Purim anymore.|现在小孩们在犹太普林节不打扮成"热天"了|(<<热天总动员>>主角快男) | Speedman is a dying star,|快男是过气明星

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy