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与 Marines 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

General Officer Commanding Royal Marines:英国皇家海军总指挥

general office 总公司 | General Officer Commanding Royal Marines 英国皇家海军总指挥 | general operational requirement 一般使用要求

U.S.marines on parade:海军陆战队进行曲

06 The U.S.field artillery野战炮兵进行曲 | 07 U.S.marines on parade 海军陆战队进行曲 | 08 The Liberty Bell 自由之钟进行曲

The United States Marines:(美国海军陆战队)

You will find us always on the job(你会发现我们时刻准备着) | The United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队) | Off we go into the wild blue yonder,(让我们飞向蓝色远方)

U.S. Marines:美国海军陆战队

U.S. Marine Expeditionary Force 美国海军陆战队远征军 | U.S. Marines 美国海军陆战队 | U.S. National Guard 美国国家警卫队

Marines intervened to stop the violence:海军陆战队干预并制止了暴行

A mob attacked and killed a Miami rental yard operator|一个暴徒袭击并杀死了 一名迈阿密租车场工作人员... | Marines intervened to stop the violence.|海军陆战队干预并制止了暴行. | Mrs Hotchner?|哈奇纳太太...

The 4th marines are mustered out:陆战四团已经下令退伍了

Thank you.|谢谢 | The 4th marines are mustered out.|陆战四团已经下令退伍了 | How about you?|你怎么样?

The Hang of It" (1941, republished in The Kit Book for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines:诀窍

去看埃迪"Go See Eddie" (1940, republished in Fiction: Form & ... | 诀窍"The Hang of It" (1941, republished in The Kit Book for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, 1943) | 发表但未编入选集的小说Published and...

The marines were strafed and bombed continuously:陆战队每天遭受持续的轰炸和炮击

With thousand of Janpanese reinforcements pouring onto the island...|随着数... | The marines were strafed and bombed continuously.|陆战队每天遭受持续的轰炸和炮击 | Pressure was on us from the Japanese,...

Royal Marines:皇家海军陆战队

帖子主题:[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服相关文章对[原创]皇家海军陆战队(ROYAL MARINES)宪兵礼服的回复

Space Marines:星际战队

"<<战锤40000:死亡荣耀>>的时间背景是遥远的未来,同其它<<战锤40000>>系列游戏一样,游戏玩家可以选择四个种族,分别是"星际战队"(Space Marines)、"混沌星际战队"(Chaos Marines)、"神族"(Eldar)以及"蛮兽族"(Orks).

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Chinese Marines

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy