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与 Craig 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Craig Barlow:克雷格-巴洛

再落后两杆,克雷格-巴洛(Craig Barlow)、乔伊-辛德拉(Joey Sindelar)和卡尔-佩特森(Carl Pettersson)位于并列第四位. 简森-戈尔(Jason Gore)今天打出最佳一杆,可是却在很奇怪的情形中击出的. 在12洞三杆洞,他第一次发球进入水中. 接下来,

Craig Barratt:博士阿尔特拉公司市场营销高级副总裁

Jodi Shelton,创锐讯通信总裁兼首席执行官 | Craig Barratt,博士阿尔特拉公司市场营销高级副总裁 | Danny Biran,台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司(台积电)北美总裁

Craig BELLAMY:贝拉米

2007年的今天,贝拉米(Craig Bellamy)以750万的身价转会至西汉姆联,这一身价是西汉姆的转会费记录. 在为利物浦效力的唯一一个赛季里,上场42次,打入9球,最著名的就是在诺坎普的一传一射帮助红军客场战胜巴萨,值得一提的是,赛前传出他与里瑟的内讧,

Craig BELLAMY:克莱格.贝拉米

1979年,西汉姆的克莱格.贝拉米(Craig BELLAMY)出生. 出生于加的夫的贝拉米在职业生涯中曾效力过诺里奇(1996-2000)、考文垂(2000-01)、纽卡斯尔(2001-2005)和凯尔特人(2005)队. 他曾两次随纽卡斯尔队打入过欧洲冠军联赛. 1980年,

Kasatonov's slap shot was deflected in past craig.|Kasatono:的射门穿过了

The Soviet Union takes a 1-0 lead.|苏联队1:0领... | Kasatonov's slap shot was deflected in past craig.|Kasatono的射门穿过了Craig | So the Soviet Union leads, 1-0, early in the first period.0的比分在第一...

Jim craig tested for the first time.|Jim Craig:小试牛刀

come on, Jimmy. Keep it out of the middle, boys!|加油,Jimmy. 不要让他靠近中场 | Jim craig tested for the first time.|Jim Craig小试牛刀 | Dave Silk with the puck along the boards.|Dave Silk利用界墙传球

Wrist shot. Knocked out of the air by craig:糟糕的射门. Craig把球 挡了出来

-Watch the slot! -Passes across to Ahlberg.|-注意防守 -传... | Wrist shot. Knocked out of the air by craig.|糟糕的射门. Craig把球 挡了出来 | Puck picked up by Suter, moved ahead to Johnson.|Suter抢到了...

Swatted away by craig:被Craig大力踢开

centering pass. Shot.|传中球 射门 | Swatted away by craig.|被Craig大力踢开 | Attaboy, Jimmy!|好样的,Jimmy!

Craig has weirder friends, though:然而克雷格的朋友都很怪异

Tom has more friends, so that's probably good.|汤姆有更多的哥们 所... | Craig has weirder friends, though.|然而克雷格的朋友都很怪异 | Craig has friends that are willing to do a lot more for cash.|但是我...

And a shot deflected by craig. -Watch the middle:射门被Craig挡住了 -注意中场

The pass in front of the U.S. net.|球传到了美国... | -And a shot deflected by craig. -Watch the middle!|-射门被Craig挡住了 -注意中场! | come on, Jimmy. Keep it out of the middle, boys!|加油,Jimmy. 不要让...

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I'm Jonny Craig Bitch And I Drive In Reverse!
The Evil That Men Do (Craig's Version)

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy